Re: [zones-discuss] NFS: Cannot share a zfs dataset added to a labeled zone

2007-11-03 Thread Glenn Faden
I took another look at this configuration, and have yet another suggestion.

Instead of specifying the zfs dataset using zonecfg's datatset keyword, where 
it is mounted by the zone, you can just specify that it should be mounted by 
zoneadm, instead.

I previously suggested doing this:

 zonecfg:zone-name> add dataset
 zonecfg:zone-name:dataset> set name=zone/data
 zonecfg:zone-name:dataset> end

But that delays the dataset from being mounted until after the dfstab file is 
interpreted. To get it mounted earlier (by zoneadm) you should do this instead:

zfs set mountpoint=legacy zone/data
zfs set zoned=off zone/data

zonecfg:zone-name> add fs
zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set dir=/data
zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set special=zone/data
zonecfg:zone-name:fs> set type=zfs
zonecfg:zone-name:fs> end

This causes the dataset to be mounted in the zone (at /data) before the dfstab 
file gets interpreted. The /zone/zone-name/etc/dfs/dfstab file should use the 
pathname (/data), too.

   share -F nfs /data

There are subtle differences between the two approaches. Giving the dataset to 
the zone allows the zone's administrator to remount it and set other 
properties. But mounting the dataset as a filesystem, the zone's administrator 
no longer has that control.

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Re: [zones-discuss] NFS: Cannot share a zfs dataset added to a labeled zone

2007-10-31 Thread Danny Hayes
- I set the mount point as follows.

zfs set mountpoint=/zone/restricted/root/data zone/data

- I then added the dataset to the restricted zone using zonecfg. The full path 
to the dataset is now /zone/restricted/root/zone/restricted/root/data. I am not 
sure if that is what you intended, but it is a result of adding it as a dataset 
to the zone after setting the mountpoint.

- I updated the /zone/restricted/etc/dfs/dfstab with the following line.

/usr/bin/share -F nfs -o rw /zone/restricted/root/zone/data

- During reboot I receive the following error.

cannot mount 'zone/data': mountpoint or dataset is busy
svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: WARNING: /usr/sbin/zfs mount -a failed: 
exit status 1
Oct 31 14:43:08 svc.startd[19960]: svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: Method 
"/lib/svc/method/fs-local" failed with exit status 95.
Oct 31 14:43:08 svc.startd[19960]: system/filesystem/local:default failed 
fatally: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)

- This is exactly the same problem that prompted the original message. Service 
fail during boot which prevent opening a console. This only occurs when you try 
to share the dataset. If you remove the line from 
/zone/restricted/etc/dfs/dfstab and reboot the zone everything works fine. Any 
ideas what I am doing wrong?
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zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] NFS: Cannot share a zfs dataset added to a labeled zone

2007-10-29 Thread Glenn Faden
I posted an earlier reply to zones-discuss, but I didn't copy all of the forums 
in the original posting. I'm doing so now. I am also correcting some errors in 
my earlier reply:

Yes, it is possible to share a zfs dataset that has been added to a labeled 

Set the mountpoint property of your dataset zone/data to be within the 
restricted zone's root. For example:

   # zfs set mountpoint=/zone/needtoknow/root/zone/data zone/data

Then you should specify, using zonecfg, that the dataset is associated with the 

   zonecfg:zone-name> add dataset
   zonecfg:zone-name:dataset> set name=zone/data
   zonecfg:zone-name:dataset> end

I previously stated that you didn't need to specify the dataset via zonecfg, if 
the zone is already running. However, in the general case, you should do so. If 
the dataset is mounted before the zone has been booted, zoneadm will fail to 
boot the zone because its file namespace it not empty.

 Then you should be able to share it via NFS, by editing the approriate dfstab 
file in the global zone. In this case, the dfstab file would be:


When the zone is booted,  the dataset will be mounted automatically as a 
mount point in the restricted zone with the correct label.

A few subtle points:

1. Setting the zfs mountpoint property has the side-effect of settting 
its label if the mountpoint corresponds to a labeled zone. Only the global zone 
can do this.

2. The dataset will only be accessible while the restricted zone is ready or 
running. Note that it can be shared (via NFS) even when the zone is in the 
ready state.

3. Labeled zones which dominate the restricted zone (if any) can gain read-only 
access via NFS mounts (specifying an non-shared global zone IP address and the 
full pathname of the mounted dataset as viewed from the global zone. For 


The second "zone" in the pathname is there because it was specified in the 
original posting, but you can rework the example without it.

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Re: [zones-discuss] NFS: Cannot share a zfs dataset added to a labeled zone

2007-10-27 Thread Glenn Faden
Please try the following:

Set the mountpoint property of your dataset zone/data to be within the 
restricted zone's root. For example:

   # zfs set mountpoint=/zone/needtoknow/root/zone/data zone/data

That will cause the dataset to appear automatically as a read-write 
mount point in the restricted zone with the correct label. You don't 
need to specify it via zonecfg. Then you should be able to share it via 
NFS. A few subtle points:

1. Setting the zfs mountpoint property has the side-effect of settting 
its label if the mountpoint is in a labeled zone.

2. The restricted zone's dataset must exist (but doesn't need to be 
running) before you can mount the new data set.

3. I think zfs mount code figures out dependencies automatically so if 
you reboot the restricted zone's dataset will be mounted before mounting 
the zone/data dataset.


Danny Hayes wrote:
> Is it possible to share a zfs dataset that has been added to a labeled zone?  
> We are running Solaris 10 U4 w/ TX on x86. Currently, we have a zfs file 
> system named zone/restricted. We have a labeled zone named “restricted” 
> loaded to this zfs.  The global path is /zone/restricted. We have another zfs 
> file system named zone/data that we want to add as a dataset to the 
> “restricted” zone. The original global path of this zfs file system is 
> /zone/data. The zone path for the zfs dataset after it has been added to the 
> “restricted” zone is /zone/restricted/root/zone/data. We would like to share 
> the data in the zone/data zfs with “restricted” labeled zones on other 
> systems in my network. We have successfully shared a directory created in the 
> “restricted” zone using /zone/restricted/etc/dfs/dfstab, but have been unable 
> to share the zfs dataset /zone/data. We chose to use a zfs dataset instead of 
> just creating a directory in the zone, because it is a large amount of data 
> with new versions released regularly. With each release the zfs can be 
> destroyed and restored from a snapshot containing the new data very quickly. 
> There is an error during boot up of the zone stating the dataset is busy and 
> cannot be mounted. This causes several services to fail and prevents opening 
> a terminal or console window. Is it possible to share a dataset that has been 
> added to a labeled zone? This is a major piece of our configuration and any 
> help with this issue would be greatly appreciated. I know this might sound 
> confusing, so I listed some paths and dfstab file below to help clarify. 
> Thanks
> [u]zpool[/u]
> zone
> [u]zfs file systems[/u]
> zone/restricted
> zone/data
> [u]zone path after dataset added to zone[/u]
> /zone/restricted/root/zone/data
> [u]contents of /zone/restricted/etc/dfs/dfstab[/u]
> share -F nfs -o rw /zone/data
> This message posted from
> ___
> zones-discuss mailing list

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