Re: [Zope] Best way to upgrade an existing Zope installation?

2001-01-29 Thread
My configuration: 1. The key is to use INSTANCE_HOME , ex. set it to be /home/zope 2. install products in /home/zope/Products, /home/zope/import 3. untar your zope tar ball in /usr/local/, ex. Zope-2.3.0-src 4. make a symbolic link for zope, ex $cd /usr/local $ln -s Zope-2.3.0-src zope

[Zope] How to remove Items from ZPatterns:Rack in the right way ?

2000-11-30 Thread
Hi, I have a question about ZPatterns:Rack. I got 10 items in a Rack and I want to remove those objects. By reading , I know that manage_pack can do this for me if getItem(key) return None for those objects. Well, how to return None? One way I found is that: under "Storage" manage_tab,

[Zope] How about create another method other than index_html to get content in OFS::File?

2000-11-07 Thread
Dear all, My problem is that : I have a ZClass based on OFS::File. I need to override the default index_html for my own purpose. After I created my own index_html, I found myself can't access the content of that object. Since: 1. I have no way to access the original method index_html of the base

[Zope] Question on manage_pasteObjects

2000-11-05 Thread
I have a ZClass based on OFS:File. The problem is that I can't paste a instance of that class except that I am a "Manager". In other roles, I get a error message which says that that object(instance of my ZClass) doesn't support the paste operation. The work-around is: to set the proxy role of a

[Zope] from is a reserved word?

2000-10-12 Thread
Hi,The following dtml couse error, dtml-comment dtml-var "sendMail(from='hello@world')" /dtml-comment The workaround is to change "from" to other words. Iap, Singuan ___ Zope maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Zope] DTML: fetch an object by its url?

2000-10-08 Thread
Hi, I don't know why, but dtml-var "REQUEST.resolve_url('/some/folder/and/path/wotsit')" doesn't work in my zope installation (2.2.2) well, dtml-var "REQUEST.resolve_url(REQUEST.BASE0+'/some/folder/and/path/wotsit')" works. Maybe it is because that zope want to get ready for RPC. Iap, Singuan

[Zope] Problem of Catalog Find items to ZCatalog

2000-10-07 Thread
Hi, In the management view of a Catalog (ex. /Catalog), there is a tab named "Find items to ZCatalog". In that tab, there is a field "Find objects of type:". The options listed there were retrieved from the "factory" of a ZClass. (The "add list name" field, a good feature for people who are not

[Zope] Can someone give me a roadmap to explore Zope further

2000-09-21 Thread
Dear all, After couple of months study, Zope attracts me very much, I would like to explore further. Can someone give me a roadmap, or points me a way. Thanks a lot. Iap ___ Zope maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Zope] [HELP] Duplicated Ids?

2000-09-10 Thread
I removed a product from Control_Panel/Products by checking the checkbox of that item and clicked "delete" button below. While I tring to reimport that product , zope (2.2.1) complains about "Duplicated Ids". Can anyone give a hand? Thanks a lot. Iap, Singuan

[Zope] How to assing a string value to a variable in DTML?

2000-08-17 Thread
Forgive me for this stupid question: How to assing a string value to a variable in DTML? for example: dtml-let a='a' b='b' dtml-var "a+b" /dtml-let it causes error, not what I expected: given a="", b="", and eval a+b to "" Thanks iap

[Zope] What's Wrong ? ZMySQLDB, insert Ok, select Empty!

2000-08-09 Thread
I just installed a "MySQL connection" in Zope. Then add a "SQL Method" to insert data into a table named "staff" in MySQL, and succeccfully inserted several entries. I have checked it by mysql (a client program of MySQL). My problem is : I created another "SQL Method" which do "select" from

[Zope] Where to find ducument of ZODB

2000-08-07 Thread
Is there anyone can tell me how to "alter table" in Zope? and where to find a tutorial or manualof ZODB. I am new to POS , Is there any stuff that will give me a senerio of working with POS, such as ZODB. Thanks a lot. Iap, Singaun