Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: GenericSetup: purging steps on new base profile

2006-03-29 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 3/29/06, yuppie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to refine this statement: *For now* I don't want to go down that
> road. In the long run I think we have to keep track of applied profiles.
> That would help to make the setup tool more powerful and to implement
> features like reloading or uninstalling. But AFAICS doing this right
> requires a major refactoring and would come to late for CMF 1.6 or 2.0.

Those features would require a mjor refactoring yes. But just keeping
track in which profiles are installed does not. We only need to keep a
list if it, and display it somewhere.

> I can see that this information might be useful, but it doesn't
> represent a state of the tool or the site. It has more the character of
> (sometimes incomplete) history information and I'd prefer to use the
> logging machinery for that.

Well, whatever, as long as there somewhere is a simple list of which
profiles that has been installed displayed.

> What about adding that information to the import logs and creating an
> import log for the initial site creation as well?

It sounds like the information would be hard to extract...

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope-CMF maillist  -

See for bug reports and feature requests

Re: [Zope-CMF] Re: GenericSetup: purging steps on new base profile

2006-03-28 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 3/28/06, Rob Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i, on the other hand, am very interested in being able to see which
> profiles have been applied.  i don't think it's unreasonable to record
> and expose this.  of course this can't be treated as the final word on
> the current site configuration, but just because someone may have done
> further manual configuration doesn't seem to me a good reason to make it
> harder to figure out which profiles have been applied in the first place.
> i'm going to cut a branch to experiment a bit w/ implementing this.  in
> the meantime, this conversation can continue.  if the consensus ends up
> being against these features, i can put any code from the branch in at
> the Plone level.

I completely agree that there should be a list of which profiles that
have been applied. It's a basic usability and support feature. People
say "Eh, we get an error", and we ask them "did you apply this
profile" and they go "I don't know". We want them to know. :-)

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope-CMF maillist  -

See for bug reports and feature requests