Re: [Zope-dev] [RFClet]: What about the request method and the client side trojan?

2002-04-10 Thread Toby Dickenson

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 13:17:40 -0400, "Brian Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I think zope's management methods (the potentially destructive ones) 

and 'coonstructive' ones too

>> should not accept REQUESTs with REQUEST_METHOD "GET".

>This is hard, hard, problem. While some good ideas have been 
>proposed, there is not really a quick fix that doesn't have 
>some downside that some group somewhere considers a 
>showstopper :(

I agree Olivers suggestion is not a total solution, but does it have a
showstopper problem?

Toby Dickenson

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Re: [Zope-dev] [RFClet]: What about the request method and the client side trojan?

2002-04-10 Thread Lennart Regebro

From: "Oliver Bleutgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think zope's management methods (the potentially destructive ones) 
> should not accept REQUESTs with REQUEST_METHOD "GET".

Do you have any proposal for how to go about doing this?

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RE: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Brian Lloyd

> The idea is to allow user to specify several points of presence (pop) 
> for an object. Does this break security? Probably yes, but in what case? 
> If an object from higly secure envionment appeared somewhere in 
> Anonymous zone, what then? Yes, Anonymous is able to alter object. But 
> there was reason for that!

Maybe - but maybe you just made the link without realizing 
the effect on security. That is one of the biggest conceptual 
problems here. Security behavior has to be as simple and 
understandable as possible for it to be useful. If people don't 
feel like they understand it, they will always have a nagging 
fear that they are vulnerable - and they will probably be right.

One could argue that we are already pushing the boundaries with 
the current security implementation, which is why the bar is so 
high for adding things to the core that potentially make things 
more complex yet.

> >Comparing it to Unix hard links is fine, but Unix doesn't 
> >use Acquisition to handle security, so the comparison is 
> >not apples-to-apples :) We need to spell out the exact semantics 
> >(*especially* wrt security, but also in terms of its effect on 
> >ZODB identity semantics, effects on undo, etc.)
> >
> Ok. I am not too well in English but I'll try to do my best. If it is 
> not hard for you give several words of explanation of "ZODB identity 
> semantics" and "effects on undo", not everything is clear for me.

Undo uses the "place" of an object as part of the criteria for 
deciding whether you can undo changes to it. If the meaning 
of "place" changes, undo behavior is likely to change. To use 
your earlier example, now Anonymous users might be able to undo 
changes made by a manager (in a different "place" on the "same" 
object). Is this acceptable? I don't know, but before we think 
about allowing changes like this into the core, the differences 
in behavior need to be spelled out in detail with specific examples.

Likewise with ZODB. What effects would links have on cache 
behavior (which are based on persistent identity)? On packing 

> Why we are not willing to allow such scenario? AFAIK there was and are a 
> lot of concernes refarding soft- and hardlinks in /tmp folder, with 
> sticky bit, etc... But they are usually solved with different means. 
> Yes, Zope and ZODB is much more complex. But why we have to limit 
> ourselves because something is difficult. 

I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't do something because 
it is difficult - just that in order to make changes like this 
we need to elaborate and understand all of the details and have 
a workable answer for all of the problems.

> Why not mark the feature as 
> experimental (red button, a lot of warnings, for instance) and make it 
> available to SuperManager only ;)

Because that's the textbook case for making it a Product :) We 
shouldn't be putting things in the core that come with flashing 
red warnings and can only be used by superusers.

What is wrong with leaving this as an add-on product? Why does 
it _need_ to be a part of the core at all? Useful products are 
useful, whether or not they "come with Zope", and there are 
plenty of very useful products that don't come built in.

V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716   
Zope Corporation

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Re: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Toby Dickenson

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 01:30:56 +0300, Myroslav Opyr

>Is Anonymous able to get out of the shared 
>object to secure environment?

User X is designated as a manager of folder /Xfolder. In todays Zope
/Xfolder is a secure environment He has no authority over objects
outside that folder, thanks to aq_inContextOf

Can he create links to objects outside that folder?

Links would be pretty useless if not. A common use case would be to
create a link /XFolder/banner.gif to /stock_images/banners/mono.gif
(for example).

However if that is allowed, he now has management rights over that
image object.

I dont see how 'hard links' can possibly avoid this problem.

Toby Dickenson

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Re: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Mario Valente

At 01:30 10-04-2002 +0300, Myroslav Opyr wrote:
>Ok. Let's find out what we have and what we want. First of all we have 
>strict hierarchy in ZODB where each object appears only once in the 
>tree. Thus to access to an object it is only one way from root down to 
>an object through containers. 

>The idea is to allow user to specify several points of presence (pop) 
>for an object. 

  Precisely. My first hack solves this and I've been using it OK in
 production sites.

  But I didnt like the fact that an object "point of presence" in the
 Zope tree was identical in every instance. That leads to confusion.
  My second hack creates a ProxyObject class thus allowing for
 a different metatype and a different icon. This reduces confusion. And
 you can also provide a management tab with links to the "original" object
 "point of presence".

  I tried using Python 2.1 Proxy classes but Acquisition wasnt "proxiable"...

  C U!

  -- MV

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RE: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Mario Valente

At 14:38 09-04-2002 -0400, Brian Lloyd wrote:
>>   As in Unix, a hard link has different semantics from a soft link. I'm
>>  thinking of the "hard link" semantics. 
>Comparing it to Unix hard links is fine, but Unix doesn't 
>use Acquisition to handle security, so the comparison is 
>not apples-to-apples :) 

  No its not, agreed. But actually, when you create a hard
 link to an executable file and from within that executable
 request the path, you'll get different paths. Crappy way of
 doing security, but there's lots of people doing it :-)

  I guess you could call that acquisition :-)

>Security in particular is very concerned with *containment* 
>path (rather than just acquisition path) in order to prevent 
>"stealing" access through acquisition wrappers. Having objects 
>with more than one "place" may introduce much the same problem, 
>so we'll need to write up in detail the effects on the security 
>machinery or its application to domain objects (or if the security
>machinery does not need to change, we need to spell out why).

  I wouldnt mind doing this, but I think its out of my league

  C U!

  -- MV

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RE: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Mario Valente

At 10:06 10-04-2002 -0400, Brian Lloyd wrote:
>What is wrong with leaving this as an add-on product? Why does 
>it _need_ to be a part of the core at all? Useful products are 
>useful, whether or not they "come with Zope", and there are 
>plenty of very useful products that don't come built in.

  I totally agree. Thats what I previously thought was the case: that
 your earlier comments were very much towards the "links" stuff
 being "Vetted" and that it should be released as a patch/product.

  C U!

  -- MV

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Re: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Mario Valente

At 15:12 10-04-2002 +0100, Toby Dickenson wrote:
>User X is designated as a manager of folder /Xfolder. In todays Zope
>/Xfolder is a secure environment He has no authority over objects
>outside that folder, thanks to aq_inContextOf
>Can he create links to objects outside that folder?

  No, he cant. To create a link (my hack...)  you first need to
 obtain the object reference (moniker) with a Copy operation
 so that you can then do a "Paste Ref." operation.

>Links would be pretty useless if not. 

  No they wouldnt.

>A common use case would be to
>create a link /XFolder/banner.gif to /stock_images/banners/mono.gif
>(for example).
>However if that is allowed, he now has management rights over that
>image object.
>I dont see how 'hard links' can possibly avoid this problem.


  But they would be useful to put an image in /Xfolder/images/
 and then be able to paste links to it into /Xfolder/layout1/ and
 /Xfolder/layout2/ and /Xfolder/Development without the need
 to create multiples instances of the same image or without
 coding multiple requests for that object.

  C U!

  -- MV

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope-dev] [RFClet]: What about the request method and the client side trojan?

2002-04-10 Thread Brian Lloyd

> >> should not accept REQUESTs with REQUEST_METHOD "GET".
> >This is hard, hard, problem. While some good ideas have been 
> >proposed, there is not really a quick fix that doesn't have 
> >some downside that some group somewhere considers a 
> >showstopper :(
> I agree Olivers suggestion is not a total solution, but does it have a
> showstopper problem?

Only if you happen to have an application deployed and might 
ever want to upgrade your Zope installation without having to 
do a total code audit :^)

V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716   
Zope Corporation

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Support for X-HTTPD-FORWARDED-FOR Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Jim Washington


Code for this is pretty simple:

modify 2 files, ZServer/medusa/ and 

1.  To put the proxy-passed ip address in the zserver log,

Around line 269 in ZServer/medusa/, add a method 

def client_ip(self):
proxy_client = self.get_header('x-forwarded-for')
if proxy_client:
return proxy_client

Then around line  294, change the statement that does logging to use the 
method. (
' - %s [%s] "%s" %d %d "%s" "%s"\n' % (

2.  If we want to get fancy about allowing authentication using that ip 
address like naked ZServers can do,

In lib/python/AccessControl/, around line 1116,

if request.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):


if request.has_key('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'):
elif request.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):

I do not believe this does anything to authentication that is not 
possible now regarding spoofed ip addresses, so probably not a major 
security headache.

Major possible problem I can think of:  I do not use ZEO, and have no 
idea what these changes might do there.  I do not have check-in 
privileges, and probably should not until I get a better clue of how cvs 
works :).

Anyway, here is the code FWIW.  Apologies that it is not a patch per se. 
 Now looking for a more clueful sponsor to take it from here to check-in 
(after vetting?)

-- Jim Washington

Brian Lloyd wrote:

>...I sent out a note a while ago now trying to scare up 
>some ideas on how to vet the current list of 2.6 proposals 
>and get to a final "plan". I didn't get much (any?) response :(
>For a couple of things that were ready to go and fairly non
>controversial (like Toby's unicode work), I put on the BDFL 
>hat and said "merge it!".
>But there are still a lot of things on the proposed features 
>that are undone, and some that are controversial enough that 
>we need to get to closure on them.
>I'll volunteer to convert the current proposed feature list 
>into a draft "plan", where the conversion boils down to 
>adding some columns to the table:
>Proposal - name and link to the proposal
>Resources - who is working on it
>Committed - Y/N whether the volunteers have committed to have
>the implementation and docs done by the first week
>in June. I'll fill in what I know has been committed
>to, people can update this (or let me know and I'll 
>do it), and anything that doesn't get a 'Y' in a 
>reasonably short time will be put in the cooler.
>Vetted - Y / N whether the community and / or the relevant BDFLs
> have come to some agreement on whether it *should* be 
> done. The list of items without a 'Y' will be our next 
> order of business. Getting to closure on those either 
> via the list, IRC, or whatever is the main block on the 
> critical path.
>Status - Complete or incomplete 
>I've taken a first stab at this. I've set the "committed" to 'Y' 
>for those things that I know I've gotten commitments for. For 
>those set to 'N', please let me know if you can commit to the 
>date (or change it yourself in the wiki).
>The updated plan is at:
>Once we get the commitments up to date, we can start wrangling 
>with the vetting...

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] [RFClet]: What about the request method and the client side trojan?

2002-04-10 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

Lennart Regebro wrote:
> From: "Oliver Bleutgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I think zope's management methods (the potentially destructive ones) 
>>should not accept REQUESTs with REQUEST_METHOD "GET".
> Do you have any proposal for how to go about doing this?

Well, I don't see how one could do that systematically, by what I mean 
doing it on a single point and be done for all methods.
I am not too intimate with the deeper innards of zope (ZPublisher & ZODB 
etc.), but I suspect it would be nearly impossible to decide, in a sane 
way, what would constitute an active (i.e. destructive or constructve) 
A method that causes a write to the ZODB? No, that wouldn't fly.

I was thinking more of something like adding the checks individually to 
each method in stock zope for which it is appropriate.

Brian is of course right in his other mail by stating that this might 
and will break custom products which use the wrong method, but I 
wouldn't call a global s/method='GET'/method='POST'/g ( SCNR ;-) ) a 
code audit. It might be also made customizable via a command line switch 
to in the beginning, with default to off.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] [RFClet]: What about the request method and the client side trojan?

2002-04-10 Thread Lennart Regebro

From: "Oliver Bleutgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was thinking more of something like adding the checks individually to
> each method in stock zope for which it is appropriate.
> Brian is of course right in his other mail by stating that this might
> and will break custom products which use the wrong method, but I
> wouldn't call a global s/method='GET'/method='POST'/g ( SCNR ;-) ) a
> code audit. It might be also made customizable via a command line switch
> to in the beginning, with default to off.

This would be a huge task. My gut feeling is that it is a lot of work for
very little benefit, although I don't really have any arguments to back that
up with.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Support for X-HTTPD-FORWARDED-FOR Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

Jim Washington wrote:

> 2.  If we want to get fancy about allowing authentication using that ip 
> address like naked ZServers can do,
> In lib/python/AccessControl/, around line 1116,
> change
>if request.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):
>   addr=request['REMOTE_ADDR']
> to
> if request.has_key('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'):
>   addr=request['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
>elif request.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):
>   addr=request['REMOTE_ADDR']
> I do not believe this does anything to authentication that is not 
> possible now regarding spoofed ip addresses, so probably not a major 
> security headache.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this IMO makes spoofing against a naked 
ZServer a childs play. It's just adding a custom header to the request.
I also doubt that every reverse proxy overwrites this header, so 
zservers behind a proxy might also be hit.

TCP spoofing OTOH is far more complicated, if (does it?) zope turns off 
the source routing option when replying, if present. IMO something like 
cracking a router or predicting sequence numbers is another level from 
adding a custom http-header.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] [RFClet]: What about the request method and the client side trojan?

2002-04-10 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

Lennart Regebro wrote:
> From: "Oliver Bleutgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I was thinking more of something like adding the checks individually to
>>each method in stock zope for which it is appropriate.
>>Brian is of course right in his other mail by stating that this might
>>and will break custom products which use the wrong method, but I
>>wouldn't call a global s/method='GET'/method='POST'/g ( SCNR ;-) ) a
>>code audit. It might be also made customizable via a command line switch
>>to in the beginning, with default to off.
> This would be a huge task. My gut feeling is that it is a lot of work for
> very little benefit, although I don't really have any arguments to back that
> up with.

Would it really be a huge task? Wouldn't we just have to find all 
methods which are callable through the web and add two maybe three 
identical lines of code right at the beginning?

Something like (sorry for the wrapping)
   raise APPROPRIATE_ERROR, "Appropriate message"


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Re: Support for X-HTTPD-FORWARDED-FOR Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of 2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Jim Penny

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 06:59:38PM +0200, Oliver Bleutgen wrote:
> Jim Washington wrote:
> >2.  If we want to get fancy about allowing authentication using that ip 
> >address like naked ZServers can do,
> >
> >In lib/python/AccessControl/, around line 1116,
> >change
> >
> >   if request.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):
> >  addr=request['REMOTE_ADDR']
> >
> >to
> >
> >if request.has_key('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'):
> >  addr=request['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
> >   elif request.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):
> >  addr=request['REMOTE_ADDR']
> >
> >I do not believe this does anything to authentication that is not 
> >possible now regarding spoofed ip addresses, so probably not a major 
> >security headache.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but this IMO makes spoofing against a naked 
> ZServer a childs play. It's just adding a custom header to the request.
> I also doubt that every reverse proxy overwrites this header, so 
> zservers behind a proxy might also be hit.

Note:  this is using another web server to front for zope.  It turns out
to be fairly safe -- I have used a variant for quite a while and did
quite a bit of testing.  For short hand, I am going to call the other web
server apache.  Apache presumably uses something like getpeername to
fill in its idea of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR or REMOTE_ADDR.  If the remote
user attempts to spoof it (by using hidden variables, or other HTTP
based techniques), the Zope server interprets this is a list, rather
than the expected string.  This is easy to detect, and in fact, if you
fail to handle it, you will probably simply error out.

If the attacker is using TCP spoofing, there is really not much you can
do at an application level.

On the other hand, I am now conviced that this is not an intelligent
thing to do, not even for presentation.  You already have Apache in
front, so why not use rewriting rules to make the URL distinguishable.
In this way, you can use one of the BASE or URL variables to determine
how the person got in.  This gives you pretty much the same level of
control (especially if you are worried only about internal/external) as
using IP addresses, without modifying either Zope or Apache.

Jim Penny

> TCP spoofing OTOH is far more complicated, if (does it?) zope turns off 
> the source routing option when replying, if present. IMO something like 
> cracking a router or predicting sequence numbers is another level from 
> adding a custom http-header.
> cheers,
> oliver
> ___
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Re: Support for X-HTTPD-FORWARDED-FOR Re: [Zope-dev] Speaking of2.6...

2002-04-10 Thread Jim Washington

>>Correct me if I'm wrong, but this IMO makes spoofing against a naked 
>>ZServer a childs play. It's just adding a custom header to the request.
>>I also doubt that every reverse proxy overwrites this header, so 
>>zservers behind a proxy might also be hit.
>Note:  this is using another web server to front for zope.  It turns out
>to be fairly safe -- I have used a variant for quite a while and did
>quite a bit of testing.  For short hand, I am going to call the other web
>server apache.  Apache presumably uses something like getpeername to
>fill in its idea of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR or REMOTE_ADDR.  If the remote
>user attempts to spoof it (by using hidden variables, or other HTTP
>based techniques), the Zope server interprets this is a list, rather
>than the expected string.  This is easy to detect, and in fact, if you
>fail to handle it, you will probably simply error out.
>If the attacker is using TCP spoofing, there is really not much you can
>do at an application level.
>On the other hand, I am now conviced that this is not an intelligent
>thing to do, not even for presentation.  You already have Apache in
>front, so why not use rewriting rules to make the URL distinguishable.
>In this way, you can use one of the BASE or URL variables to determine
>how the person got in.  This gives you pretty much the same level of
>control (especially if you are worried only about internal/external) as
>using IP addresses, without modifying either Zope or Apache.
Jim, Oliver

Thanks. I'm glad we have smart and knowledgeable people available to 
discuss these kinds of things.  My hope was that I could restrict my 
Manager account to a short list of machines, even through a squid or 
apache proxy.  Essentially add a third thing to have besides username 
and password.  Which I still think is better than just username and 
password, since Zope sees only *one* ip address coming from squid in the 
current situation.  I'll have to do some more thinking...


-- Jim Washington

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