[Zope3-dev] Re: faulty releases and pypi access [update]

2007-09-27 Thread Raphael Ritz

Stephan Richter wrote:


A fairly simple tool can find and report all the problems found and offer 
assistance. I think it is worth investing in one, especially since it will 
reduce my overhead since my manual checking now becomes automated.

If this tool were available right now so that people could start using
it today that would be great. But I don't see it yet :-(

But we do have a problem right now.

And what Philipp suggests doesn't require anything to be done other
than people starting to adopt the approach he is pushing.

I don't see this in conflict. Rather as complementing each other.



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[Zope3-dev] Re: z3c.form 1.0.0 released!

2007-05-25 Thread Raphael Ritz

Stephan Richter schrieb:

Hello everyone,

Hi Stephan,

first congratulations to Roger and you!



The ``jquery`` namespace packages provide a first attempt to have AJAX-enabled
forms. It is already possible to validate widget values and do some other
form-unrelated UI goodies.

Just a quick question in passing, as I understand this as Zope
growing "yet another(?)" AJAX framework.
Did you consciously decide against KSS (http://kssproject.org)
or do you see this as complementary?


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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Google Summer of Code

2007-03-16 Thread Raphael Ritz

Paul Carduner schrieb:

I have added a proposal for AJAX/json support in Zope3.  It is *very*
incomplete as I don't know the complete details of what AJAX support
constitutes beyond having different widgets.  If you have any thoughts
on the matter, please add to my proposal.

- Paul

You know that KSS (at least kss.core) is meant to work on Zope 3?



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Community opinion about workflow engine

2007-03-12 Thread Raphael Ritz

Godefroid Chapelle schrieb:
In order to help us make a proposal, we would be very interested to hear 
your comments both

- about the existing workflows (DCWorkflow, Zope3.wfmc, AlphaFlow,

- or about the directions that you would suggest in order to help you
use a given engine (missing features, simplification,...) and join the
effort to improve one of the existing engines.

Depends a bit on what you need in the end: Plone integration?
activity based wf? "stand-alone" Zope 3 application (meaning:
it should run in a plain Zope 3 environment, no
Zope 2/Five/CMF/Plone ...)

If you can get away with a simple state-based wf and you need
Plone support DCWorkflow should be just fine.

If you need to support activity-based workflows and Plone integration
I'd start looking into AlphaFlow first and help Christian and the
gocept guys to get it ready for Plone 3. ;-)

If you need it to be independent of CMF/Plone ... then
zope3.wfmc might be a starting point but without having looked
at it recently I do think it's quite old and may not be up to
the current best practices, so there might be some effort involved.
Others please correct me if I'm wrong!



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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 2.9 and Zope 3 i18n, more questions...

2006-06-02 Thread Raphael Ritz

Chris Withers wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:


Hanno Schlichting will be working in similar areas, I've heard. Perhaps
you want to make friends with him :).

Where can I find him?

Usually in Hamburg, Germany ;-)

or head over to plone.devel




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