[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] AW: I'd lobe to merge the zope3-dev and zope-dev lists

2007-10-08 Thread Baiju M

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:


I just counted votes here, there was 11 positive votes
and 2 negative votes.

+1 (Baiju M)
+100 (Philipp von Weitershausen)
+1 (Michael R. Bernstein)
+1 Lennart Regebro
+1 Andreas Jung
+1 Jens Vagelpohl
+1 Chris Withers
+1 Martijn Faassen
+1 Wichert Akkerman
+1 Jodok Batlogg
+1 Tres Seaver

-1 Stephan Richter
-1 Roger Ineichen

Jim, I think you can proceed with merge now.

Baiju M

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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] AW: I'd lobe to merge the zope3-dev and zope-dev lists

2007-10-08 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen

Dieter Maurer wrote:

David Pratt wrote at 2007-10-8 00:21 -0300:
Zope 2 is one application among many dependent upon zope 3. 
Zope 3 is different software than zope 2.

I do not argue with you that Zope3 is "different software than Zope 2".

What I argue about is "Zope 2 is an application".
I have seen hundreds of applications built on top of Zope 2, long
before someone thought about Zope 3. I interpret this as:
"Zope 2 is not an application but a web application framework".

Recently some applications make not only use of Zope 2
but also of Zope 3 (prominent example is Plone 3).
But Zope 2 itself is still only slightly dependent on Zope 3.

This statement is very confusing, given that nearly all of Zope 3 ships 
with Zope 2 since 2.8. So in fact a Zope 2 release depends very much on 
a Zope 3.

It may be true that not much of the Zope 2 machinery uses Zope 3 (but if 
you look at Zope 2.10+, you'll see that core components such as the 
ZPublisher have been changed to look up views), but certainly a lot of 
applications that are built with Zope 2 use the Zope 3 libraries that 
ship with it, as well as the integration layer Five. This makes the Zope 
3 libraries as much an integral part of Zope 2 as the "old" packages.



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