Re: Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Andrew Groom

Luciano Ramalho wrote:

And finally, the wiki Documentation page does not mention the abundant
README.txt files scattered all over the source tree where the real
documentation exists.

Yup, I agree that the README.txt's have a lot of useful info but how 
would you know to look for them if you were new to Z3 ? I also agree 
with the comment about PHP documentation - I can't stand PHP, but you 
can't argue with the size of the community that they must be doing 
something right, perhaps meeting the needs of the target audience ? :-)

I think Z3 is awesome, but is (IMHO) still not really ready for a larger 
audience than the devotees using it now, mostly because of little things 
like documentation.

Cheers, Andrew.
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Luciano Ramalho

On 7/18/07, Benji York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does help?

Not really. Before yesterday, there was no explanation about how to
access apidoc (I put that in the linked page APIDocTool yesterday).

The apidoc tool itself is limited. For debugging purposes, it might be
useful that the search is limited to registered interfaces. But while
reading about Zope 3 I wanted to check on IComponentArchitecture but
the search could not find it. I had to use grep to find it and learn
the path that I could use to browse to it in the apidoc:


And finally, the wiki Documentation page does not mention the abundant
README.txt files scattered all over the source tree where the real
documentation exists.



PS. BTW, I'd like to mention that besides the people who replied in
the list, I got pvt replies of people saying that they feel the same
way as I do about the current docs.
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Benji York

Torvald Bringsvor wrote:

Very good point I think. The current documentation
makes me feel stupid, sometimes wanting to go in some
other direction than Z3.

Does help?
Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-users mailing list

Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Torvald Bringsvor

Very good point I think. The current documentation
makes me feel stupid, sometimes wanting to go in some
other direction than Z3.


--- Luciano Ramalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev:

> One of the first questions anyone needs answered
> when studying a new
> framework is "Where is the canonical reference for
> the API?".
> If you google for "zope 3 api documentation" the
> first link is Stephan
> Richter's mail of Jan/2004 announcing API doc. In
> it, there is the
> link:
> http://localhost:8080/++apidoc++
> However, that URL is not active by default, and it
> takes some research
> discover how to make it work.
> The second link returned by Google is this:
> Here we find vague references to a certain API Doc
> Tool, but no
> explanation of how to enable it and access it (OK,
> that is a Wiki, so
> it's easy to fix; I'll start the APIDocTool page).
> The remaining links returned by Google are even less
> helpful, and on
> page 2 we get a link to Shane Hathaway's post titled
> "Zope 3
> Frustration"...
> Everyone expects the API documentation for a
> framework to be highly
> visibile in it's main web site.
> OK, I understand Zope 3 is undergoing a radical
> reorganization right
> now, which is a further push to descentralization,
> making the idea of
> locally generated API documentation even more
> attractive.
> But I think we *also* need the API published on
>, for a few
> advantages that the apidoc tool will never be able
> to give us:
> - we need to be able to use Google to search the API
> documentation
> (even if the apidoc search worked perfectly, which
> it doesn't)
> - we need to be able to collaborate with comments
> and examples to the docs;
> The second point is really crucial. Just take a look
> at this page, *please*:
> Last year I had to do a project in PHP, and again
> and again the
> answers I was looking for were in the contributed
> comments and
> examples, even though their documentation is very
> compreehensive. The
> same amazing user participation can be seen in all
> 23 languages (!) in
> which the PHP API is documented.
> Contributing to Zope 3 docs must be made *much*
> easier than being a
> Zope 3 committer.
> Cheers,
> Luciano
> ___
> Zope3-users mailing list

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