> De : Michael LaSalvia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoye : 12 aout, 2003 15:10
> Objet : RE: Getting In
> Hash: SHA1
> Hum I had the same issue a year ago. I just had gotten laid off and
> decided to peruse my dream job of security. I had tons of non
> professional experience but nothing to show and employer. I went out
> and got my TICSA and took the LCA also. I then searched around for
> entry level positions in the security field. I even put a post on the
> security jobs mailing. I was completely honest. I was like green
> security professional looking for entry to intermediate position and
> blah, blah. I got many leads from the list. I suggest during your off
> time while looking to get in work on some certs and read up on what
> you can.

But what we all want to know is: Did you get a job in the field? :)

Manuel Lanctot
Inventory Tech
Bayard Press


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