I haven't reviewed all of it (mainly just the standard classes), but here are some comments so far:

- General comments

For new public classes, you don't need to start the sentence with the name of the class since that is implied and will show up in javadoc pages. For example, "XECKey is an interface ..." should just be "An interface ..."

I think somewhere there should be a sentence or two on the difference between XECKeys and ECKeys and when you would want to use each. This is important enough that I think some detail should be in the javadoc to help users distinguish them. Perhaps put it in the XEC class description. Maybe more details can go in the JCA security guide.

- ECGenParameterSpec

45: s/of provider/of the provider/

- NamedParameterSpec

36: the link looks wrong, since it is for SSLContext
39: I think the @see is unnecessary

- XECKey

The description should include some basic details so someone doesn't have to know what RFC 7748 is to understand it.

- XECPrivateKey

47: would "cannot" be a more appropriate word than "may not"? May not sounds a bit vague. Perhaps also an example of why it cannot be extracted would be helpful.


On 2/6/18 1:36 PM, Adam Petcher wrote:
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~apetcher/8171277/webrev.00/
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8171277

Please review this change that adds key agreement via the X25519 and X448 elliptic curve functions to the JCA API and SunEC provider. These functions and related operations and encodings are described in RFC 7748[1]. This work does not include JSSE integration, which will be done later as a separate task (not part of JEP 324). The webrev does not include the field arithmetic code, which is being reviewed separately[2]. This change is a part of JEP 324, so it will not be integrated into the repo until all work for that JEP is complete and it has been targeted to a release.

[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/security-dev/2018-January/016756.html

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