Hi Philipp,

On 17/01/2020 12:40, Philipp Kunz wrote:
Hi Sean,

Nice patch. I wonder why permissions should be preserved only in zip
files. Jar files also are zip files, according to the jar file specs,
and hence, shouldn't jar files benefit of preserving permissions, too?
Thanks for your comments. The jar tool has never been interested in the posix permissions fields for the individual entries. Such a change could yield more interoperability issues. Such a change would also need much more consideration

The zip tool on the other hand has always populated this field and I think the case at hand is unique here (preserving attributes already created by non-java tools)

The file name extension is most often zip for zip files and jar for jar
files but is that really a safe assumption? I would not expect it
always. Removing
Yes, I didn't see any easy way to distinguish a zip file from a jar file without being more invasive and scanning file attributes for that file. I could take that approach
if it's deemed necessary.


if (zf.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
along with similar code in ZipFile would avoid discussing that question
and the test would not have to check that files with another name
extension than zip don't preserve permissions.


On Fri, 2020-01-17 at 10:59 +0000, Seán Coffey wrote:

Looking to introduce some JDK private functionality which will help
preserve internal zip file attribute permissions when jarsigner is
on a zip file. Some of the logic is taken from the recent work
out in this area for zipfs API.



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