On Sun, 17 Apr 2022 16:17:30 GMT, liach <d...@openjdk.java.net> wrote:

> Convert dynamic proxies to hidden classes. Modifies the serialization of 
> proxies (requires change in "Java Object Serialization Specification"). Makes 
> the proxies hidden in stack traces. Removes duplicate logic in proxy building.
> The main compatibility changes and their rationales are:
> 1. Modification to the serialization specification: In the "An instance of 
> the class is allocated... The contents restored appropriately" section, I 
> propose explicitly state that handling of proxies are unspecified as to allow 
> implementation freedom, though I've seen deliberate attempts for proxies to 
> implement interfaces with `readResolve` in order to control their 
> serialization behavior.
>    - This is for the existing generated constructor accessor is 
> bytecode-based, which cannot refer to hidden classes.
>    - An alternative is to preserve the behavior, where the serialization 
> constructor calls `invokespecial` on the closest serializable superclass' 
> no-arg constructor, like in #1830 by @DasBrain.
>    - My rationale against preservation is such super calls are unsafe and 
> should be discouraged in the long term. Calling the existing constructor with 
> a dummy argument, as in my implementation, would be more safe.
> 2. The disappearance of proxies in stack traces.
>    - Same behavior exists in lambda expressions: For instance, in 
> `((Runnable) () -> { throw new Error(); }).run();`, the `run` method, 
> implemented by the lambda, will not appear in the stack trace, and isn't too 
> problematic.
> A summary of the rest of the changes:
> 1. Merged the two passes of determining module and package of the proxy into 
> one. This reduced a lot of code and allowed anchor class (for hidden class 
> creation) selection be done together as well.
> 2. Exposed internal API for obtaining a full-privileged lookup to the rest of 
> `java.base`. This API is intended for implementation of legacy (pre 
> `MethodHandles.Lookup`) caller sensitive public APIs so they don't need more 
> complex tricks to obtain proper permissions as lookups.
> 3. Implements [8229959](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229959): 
> passes methods computed by proxy generator as class data to the hidden proxy 
> class to reduce generated proxy class size and improve performance.
> In addition, since this change is somewhat large, should we keep the old 
> proxy generator as well and have it toggled through a command-line flag (like 
> the old v49 proxy generator or the old reflection implementation)?
> Please feel free to comment or review. This change definitely requires a CSR, 
> but I have yet to determine what specifications should be changed.

Fixing deserialization is not particularly hard. A longer term goal is to 
declare a readResolve for proxies (presumably by extra methods on invocation 
handlers) to convert serialization result to something else


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8278

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