Perhaps Mr. Johnson or someone else could share the source or where one can
find the article being referenced.

Jeffrey P. Schmitz      
HIPAA Project Lead
Amerigroup New Jersey, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: St. Clair, James [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 3:18 PM
> To:   'Charles L Johnson'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject:      RE: Implementing HIPAA Transactions over the Internet
> Charles,
> I have been working with a collaboration of pharmas and medical centers to
> develop a Health Service/Industry only forum for issues of security,
> communications and HIPAA standards. This includes addressing issues of the
> use of the International Common Criteria (ICC), ISO 17799, and efforts of
> the Financial Services industry (who live with G-L-B). I would be thrilled
> to involve you and HUMANA in this effort if you desire.
> best,
> Jim St.Clair
> Critical Infrastructure Protection
> Vredenburg
> (703) 412-4611
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles L Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 12:15 PM
> Subject: RE: Implementing HIPAA Transactions over the Internet
> Good Morning Security Team;
>       In a recent article that a colleague shared with me of the same
> title
> as in the Subject line above, there was a section titled:  A Glimmer of
> Hope for Standards.
>       In this paragraph, WEDI and AFEHCT were identified as having a joint
> project to develop profiles of draft standards that may become solutions
> for HIPAA Compliance.  As you see from the signature block below, we are
> very interested in learning more, participating, sharing, learning, etc.
>       Please share more, or provide a link where we can learn more.  We
> are
> in the trenches doing the work at this time.  The timing of this couldn't
> be better for everyone, vendors included.
> Regards,
> Charles L. Johnson, MPM, PMP
> HIPAA Security Team
> Humana Inc.,
> Louisville, KY
> 502-580-1741 office
> 502-508-1741 Fax
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