Hi all,

By merely doing some experiments I noticed that I can execute this statement 
using the XMLDB API:

DROP DOCUMENT "25860-14Z.xml" IN COLLECTION "chemicalContent/released"

So my next question is... would it in that case also be possible to e.g. write 
some Operational XQuery Library making use of the DDL?
I tested the snippet below but this does not work. But executing a single DDL 
statement like the one above does work.  I guess it's not possible to 
accomplish sth like below??


import module namespace cm = "http://www.nxp.com/chemicalcontent";;

declare function local:toURIs($ids as xs:string*) {
  for $id in $ids return document-uri(root(cm:getTypeName($id)))

declare function local:dropAll($ids as xs:string*) {
  for $uri in local:toURIs($ids)

declare function local:dropDocument($document_uri as xs:string) {
    DROP DOCUMENT $document_uri IN COLLECTION "chemicalContent/released"      


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