Hi Sedna Team,
Last April you said (see below) that you added a function called:
doc-available('doc','col') into the development code. I know the change
hasn't made it to the stable release yet (Your site still shows
sedna-3.5.161 for stable release). We are still currently running with
sedna-3.5.161 but we are starting to need "badly" the
doc-available('doc','col') function.
Would you consider your current development stable (sedna-3.6.132)? I
compared the PPFnDocAvailable.cpp code with older one and noticed quite few
changes. So I am not sure if the current development source code is stable
at the moment.
Just to be sure, when I execute the following on our current version
(3.5.161) I get:
se_term -query "doc-available('1379606095513','app')" student-awards
It is a static error if the expanded QName and number of arguments in a
function call do not match the name and arity of a function signature in
the static context.
Details: at (1:1), unknown function {
In the meantime, I will try to download the source and compile it on our
development linux server.
Again, many Thanks to the sedna Team.
Team Lead
Office of the Registrar
University of Alberta
> On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Ivan Shcheklein <shchekl...@gmail.com
>> Hi Jocelyn, Jose
>> Release won't be available very soon. For now, you can download and use
>> the latest development build:
>> http://modis.ispras.ru/FTPContent/sedna/development/
>> It's stable enough to be used in production. Still, I recommend to try
>> it first on your workload in a sandbox. And (as you always should do)
>> backup your data.
>> This version contains fn:doc-available with two arguments. You should
>> use it instead of doc("$documents") to check if the document is in the
>> specified collection or not. Note! This function call puts read lock on
>> collection.
>> Note, use se_exp to move data to that build.
>> Ivan Shcheklein,
>> Sedna Team
>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Jocelyn Raymond <jraym...@ualberta.ca
>> > wrote:
>>> Is it possible to have the fn:doc-available() function made as a new
>>> sedna stable release (e.g. sedna-3.5.162-bin-linux-x64.sh currently it
>>> is: sedna-3.5.161-bin-linux-x64.sh)? If so, when can we expect to have
>>> it?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Jocelyn Raymond
>>> --
>>> Team Lead
>>> Information Systems
>>> Office of the Registrar
>>> University of Alberta
>>> 780.492.3874
End of Sedna-discussion Digest, Vol 82, Issue 7
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