The link in my previous email turned out to be only valid on our intranet. 
Sorry about that.
Please use this link instead:

Marco van der Putten

From: Marco van der Putten
Sent: woensdag 14 mei 2014 11:25
To: ''
Subject: Comparison between Sedna, eXist and BaseX

About a month ago, I've done some tests with Sedna, eXist and BaseX XML 
My employer has decided to share this with the community as a token of 
appreciation for the good work on these free products.
For those of you who are interested in the results, see: 

    Marco van der Putten

| Marco van der Putten                          |
| Aweta G&P BV    <> |
|                                               |
| P.O. box 17               Burg. Winkellaan 8  |
| 2630 AA Nootdorp          2631 HG Nootdorp    |
| Netherlands                                   |
| ++31-(0)886688000 (telephone)                 |
| ++31-(0)153107321 (fax)                       |

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