Hi Ilya,
Yes, I use a connection pool via Sedna XML:DB API implementation. It's
documented here:
Unfortunately, there is no support for active connection timeout. This
could be the cause if there was a query hanging for some reason. Still if
some query hangs forever (that should not as it's in my case) it looks more
like a database bug/deadlock situation.
I'll try as you suggest next time.
P.S. Sorry for the second email as I've forgotten to add CC first.
Best regards,
Ivan Lagunov
On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 10:23 PM, Ilya Taranov <epsi...@socio.msu.ru> wrote:
> Ivan, do you have a connection pool? I see one of the se_trn processes
> waiting for socket read.
> If you don't have a connection pool, it just might be a client problem.
> I'll take a deeper look anyway, just next time it happens, could you please
> try to shutdown the client thread, if it's even possible.
> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:30 AM, Ivan Lagunov <lagi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been facing major issues with Sedna hanging regularly for the last
>> two weeks (after several months of stable work). I tried to do the complete
>> export-import of data using se_exp but Sedna still hangs regularly. Looking
>> into event.log does not help as queries differ every time. Sometimes it
>> looks like Sedna hangs after some heavy query (with huge response) while in
>> other cases there are no heavy queries to suspect. I've written a script to
>> collect the following logs/dumps you will find in the archives:
>> event.log - the last Sedna event log till the moment DB hangs and is
>> stopped;
>> sedna_procs.txt - list of all Sedna processes (ps -ef);
>> netstat.txt - list of all ESTABLISHED connections;
>> ipcs.txt - results of ipcs -s;
>> <pid>.txt - results of gdb with bt for all threads of a Sedna process
>> (available for all processes at the moment of hanging). This is collected
>> automatically for threads 1-4 of each process.
>> I'm providing two sets of logs/dumps for two separate hanging events:
>> 25th September - seemed to hang without any heavy queries:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/2luq53cstc4t3tl/sedna_debug_info1.zip?dl=0
>> 2nd October - hanged after a heavy query:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/scmszq9yphyv6xf/sedna_debug_info2.zip?dl=0
>> The heavy query occurs at LOG 02/10/2014 11:10:20
>> If you can find out the cause of the hangings, it'd be the best.
>> Otherwise it'd be nice to hear some recommendations at least on how to
>> avoid these issues/minimize an impact. May be I need to upgrade to some
>> later version but I'm currently using 3.5.615 that is already a night build
>> that we had to upgrade to after some older issue (reported back in
>> March-April of 2013). I'd try some 3.5 or 3.6 version but without knowing
>> the reason there is no guarantee the potential bug is fixed in the later
>> night build.
>> Also it'd be really nice if there was an official release for 3.5 with
>> all the latest bug fixes (I see the last night build is 3.5.627 of 8th May
>> 2013).
>> Best regards,
>> Ivan Lagunov
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