I understand now but I don't think that is the problem. I can add hundreds of 
records that look just like this but then once I hit a specific number of 
records I get this error and then I can't add any more data to the database. It 
makes the database unusable and I have to delete the entire thing to recover. 
Also we were getting this error early on in adding records so we went into the 
code itself and found an enum that was setting a limit for maxElementChildCount 
in src/kernel/tr/structures/descriptor.h. We changed the number from 1024 to 
4096 and that allows us to get much farther before we encounter this error 
which makes me think it is a general problem on what data we are saving or the 
structure of our data. 

Can you think of any suggestions on what we can do to fix this problem?  If we 
add records and then delete them before we hit this limit will that make this 
error impossible to reach? 

Any suggestions or ideas would be very helpful. 

Thank you,

Miranda Jacobson

-----Original Message-----
From: ignati...@yandex.ru [mailto:ignati...@yandex.ru] 
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 10:46 AM
To: Jacobson, Miranda; sedna-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] SE2040 error using 3.6.389

Last query in event.log inserts element <P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062> 
<P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062> and <NDA_primaryKey> are XML elements (see 
http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_elements.asp). The path of the first element 
after the insert will be 
doc("VOLCANO_DB")/PATIENT_DB/DBTEMP/P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062. If you 
take all elements in an XML document, usually, there'll be only a few distinct 
paths, because only a limited set of elements names is used. In your case 
element names contain part of the data (e.g. numbers) and there will be lots of 
different paths. This could be a problem. One way to solve this is to move the 
data to attrubutes (e.g. transform <P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062/> to <P 

04.02.2016, 20:11, "Jacobson, Miranda" <mjacob...@volcanocorp.com>:
>  I didn’t quite understand your response. There is not an element named 
> <P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062>. The element is <NDA_primaryKey> and 
> <P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062> is the value.
>  When you say number of different element name paths in documents what does 
> this mean? My data is hierarchal so I have several schema's I use for each 
> node and the children of hose nodes and there are several elements in each 
> one. Is this going to be a problem?
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: ignati...@yandex.ru [mailto:ignati...@yandex.ru]
>  Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 11:17 AM
>  To: Jacobson, Miranda; sedna-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net
>  Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] SE2040 error using 3.6.389
>  Hi,
>  It's probably because of elements like <P2288.20160119T151537.492851.1062>. 
> Sedna expects descriptive schema (number of different element name paths in 
> documents) to be reasonably small. Putting data into element names breaks 
> this assumption. I'd recommed storing data in attributes rather than in 
> element names.
>  03.02.2016, 19:39, "Jacobson, Miranda" <mjacob...@volcanocorp.com>:
>>   Hello,
>>   I have upgraded to use the new 3.6.389 version of sedna and I have run 
>> into a problem. Once I have a lot of elements in the database I am getting a 
>> SE2040 message, Too many children by  schema. Once this occurs I can’t add 
>> any more data to the database which makes it unusable. My data is hierarchal 
>> in nature and some nodes can have thousands of children. I have reached some 
>> limit? I am attaching my sedna log with the error and also a dump of an 
>> excerpt of what we are saving in the database. Any guidance you can give 
>> would be appreciated.
>>   Thanks,
>>   Miranda Jacobson
>>   Software Engineer 4
>>   Volcano Corporation
>>   2870 Kilgore Road
>>   Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 USA
>>   Work: (916) 281-2784
>>   E-mail:  mjacob...@volcanocorp.com
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