The moromons are big on geneaology - I would think some mormon sites might help you 
with the colony information.

------Original Message------
From: "Brenda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: August 9, 2000 5:36:58 PM GMT
Subject: [SaF] Idaho History

Seekers, I'm in a quandry. I'm in the middle of writing this book (it's 
fiction but the facts need to be straight) and I'm at a loss. I've 
looked in numerous books relating to Idaho history along with a few 
websites but so far no luck. I must be looking in the wrong spot 

1) I'm trying to locate information about forts located in (what is 
now present day) Western Montana, Eastern Wyoming and 
Southern Idaho around 1870ish. If there is a map lurking around, 
that would be helpful. The only map I have for this area is from the 
1840's which is good but....

2) I'm also looking for information about the number of Mormon 
colonies situated in these areas, the names of the colonies, and 
where those colonies were located.

I've searched. I'm flustrated and I need these facts. If anyone can 
help, I would be forever grateful :-)

Leslie Pearson
AIM: lesliepear

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