On 4 May 2001, at 12:18, Joanne Rancourt wrote:

> I had a lot of trouble actually finding many bird songs on the site as
> I didn't really know what bird I was looking for. Most of them had to
> be downloaded first before I could listen to them. As I am restricted
> to only one hour a day I couldn't investigate as far as I wanted. But
> I checked out the magpie sound and it might be what I was looking for.
> There are two magpies at the back of our house that I see quite a lot.
> Could someone maybe find a site  other than the ones you sent me with
> a sound track (the one I found was not too good) of a magpie that I
> could listen to maybe ? I really appreciate you searching for me, I
> would love doing it if I had illimited access to the internet, but
> maybe then nothing else would get done in the house, LOL. Peace were  
> you going to do some extended research for me ? The sites you sent me
> we more for birdwatching, not listening ??? Just wondering......

I'll be a monkey's uncle...there is a magpie.wav at ashlists.org.  
Can you believe it?  What are the odds? <g>



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