Hi Peter,
I have been able to merge the file into a one 2 hour file using CONT in 
mulplt.I have not been able to register it, it tells me that the waveform is 
too large. When i tried to plot the file using po in eev, it told me no such 
waveform was found.What value should I put for CONT_BEFORE and CONT_AFTER in 
the SEISAN.DEF programme for a 120 minutes duration file? The ones in the 
default are 20 and 1 respectively. I guess that is where the problem is?.

 Ofonime U. Akpan
Head, Earthquake Seismology,
Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics (National Space Research & Development 
1 Secretariat Road, P.M.B. 011,
Toro, Nigeria.

From: "Voss, Peter" <p...@geus.dk>
To: Ofonime Akpan <ofo...@yahoo.com>; "seisan@geo.uib.no" <seisan@geo.uib.no>
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 8:06:38 AM
Subject: SV: [seisan] (no subject)

Hi Ofonime,

I suggest that you put your one hour data files into a continuous database, 
that is defined in a local SEISAN.DEF file, and then run this command for every 
time window you wish :

wavetool -start 201004260200 -duration 7200.0 -cwav -wav_out_file SEISAN


Good luck, peter

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: seisan-boun...@geo.uib.no [mailto:seisan-boun...@geo.uib.no] På vegne af 
Ofonime Akpan
Sendt: 23. april 2010 19:52
Til: seisan@geo.uib.no
Emne: [seisan] (no subject)

Dear SEISAN users,
My seismographs were configured to record data in one hour interval. I have 
data that have overlapped into another hour.How can I merge these two waveform 
files to have a 2 hour waveform data instead of one.

Ofonime U. Akpan
Head, Earthquake Seismology,
Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics (National Space Research & Development 
1 Secretariat Road, P.M.B. 011,
Toro, Nigeria.

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