After returning from Wikimania in Alexandria, I can contribute my five 
piastres to close this issue:

As was rightly remarked, SMW does not define the sorting behaviour if a 
property has many values (or no value). This is documented. If you want to 
define one special value (the first or whatever) for this purpose, then you 
just need to make a property for that task and give it only one value per 
page. Using the new sortkeys can also help in some cases.

The JavaScript live sorting of tables acts on the text as displayed, hence 
depends on the order of displayed values. One could make that alphabetical if 
considered useful. In general, we would like to have some more parameters for 
printouts (e.g. to set a limit on how many values of a multi-valued property 
should be given). We currently lack some smart syntax for doing this.

In the early days of SMW, we have also had one property value per column and 
line (similar to what Mov GP 0 suggested). But this has funny effects if 
there are many such columns, since you get all combinations of values -- just 
as a proper DB is supposed to do it. This was not very useful and hence has 
been dropped.

Another reason to keep sorting options low is performance. If you multiply 
columns for each value given in certain columns, then you get much larger 
result sets to handle (this was one reason early SMWs were slower on 
querying), and result caching as scheduled for next release would probably be 
less effective or more difficult.

So, to make long things short, we do not intend to extend the sorting options 
anytime soon. I also feel that the multi-property sorting is already quite 
complex; think of all that poor not so technically minded users that must 
grok all that!



On Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008, Jon Lang wrote:
> Mov GP 0 wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I think the problem with sorting this is that the lines are not
> > atomar. Instead of having a table of the form
> >
> > |-
> > | Property1 || Property2.1, Property2.2, Property2.3, Property2.4
> > |-
> >
> > the output should be rather
> >
> > |-
> > | Property1 || Property2.1
> > |-
> > | Property1 || Property2.2
> > |-
> > | Property1 || Property2.3
> > |-
> > | Property1 || Property2.4
> > |-
> >
> > this would allow proper sorting. To not break anything, I suggest a
> > new parameter ie. called "group":
> >
> > {{#ask:
> >  [[Author::+]]
> >
> >  |?Author
> >  |sort=Author
> >  |group= false
> >
> > }}
> >
> > or, more familar to SQL, "groupby":
> >
> > {{#ask:
> >  [[Author::+]]
> >
> >  |?Author
> >  |sort=Author
> >  |groupby= Author
> >
> > }}
> >
> > This syntax could resolve the sorting problem.
> This does not resolve the sorting problem, since you're still left
> with the question of how to handle sorting when grouping multiple
> values into a single entry.  As well, it opens a new can of worms in
> bringing up the question of whether a given page should be reported
> once, or once for every value that it has in a given property.  It's a
> fascinating question that deserves discussion; but it has consequences
> well beyond the issue of sorting.
> For instance, take the following query:
>   {{#ask:
>   [[Category:Book]]
>   |  sort=Author
>   }}
> Note that this query does not display the author for each book found;
> indeed, it doesn't even guarantee that a given book will name the
> author(s).  Note also that I did not include any sort of grouping or
> degrouping parameter.  What sort of result should this query produce?
> As written, I believe that it should list each book on the wiki
> exactly once.  The question at hand is the order in which the books
> should be presented.  There are actually two issues at hand here: what
> to do with multiple values of a property on a page, and what to do
> with the absence of values for a property on a page.  I've already
> stated my proposal for resolving the first issue; for the second
> issue, Pages without the sorted property should probably be listed
> after pages with it, unless you explicitly state otherwise.
> --
> Now, let's look at "grouping":
>   {{#ask:
>   [[Category:Book]]
>   | ?Author
>   | duplicate=Author
>   }}
> My proposal here is that "duplicate" causes the page to show up in the
> results once if it has zero or one Author, and once per Author if it
> has more than one, treating each entry as if it only had one Author.
> Note that I'm not sorting by Author in this query; you don't have to
> sort by a property in order to duplicate on it.  Conversely, while I
> _am_ having it list the Author for each result, you don't have to do
> that, either.  This is why I say that the subject should be addressed
> separately: it's largely orthogonal to the sorting problem, with the
> sole exception that for the case where you're willing to duplicate on
> the property that you're sorting on, the multiple values issue goes
> away.

Markus Krötzsch
Semantic MediaWiki    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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