Hey all,

First of all, let me introduce myself.
I'm Jeroen De Dauw, one of the GSoC students for Wikimedia foundation this 
year. I'm working on a map extension for Semantic MediaWiki with Yaron Koren as 

During the last 2 months I've been working on this extension (which has 
actually split into 2 seperate extensions: Maps and Semantic Maps - click the 
links for more info about either extension),
and I'm reaching the final stage before the first release. I'd like to
get some feedback on the code and overall structure of the extensions
before I continue, to ensure no mayor design flaws are present.

You can get the code for both extensions here. Note that this code is still 
purely dev material, and should NOT be used in a production environment. 

One of the big questions about the Semantic Maps code is if it should just be 
added to Semantic Result Formats or remain separate. What are your opinions 
about this?

feedback is welcome. For those who are wondering, if no mayor flaws are
found, both extensions will probably be released in a one or two week
time frame. (I'm posting updates on my blog.)
De Dauw '[RTS]BN+VS*' Jeroen

Forum: code.bn2vs.com
Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

Xfire: bn2vs ; Skype: rts.bn.vs 

Don't panic. Don't be evil.
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