On 01/08/12 00:57, Benedikt Kämpgen wrote:
> Hello,
> I have connected a wiki to an Open Virtuoso triple store as documented in [1].
> The wikis URIs have the form "...index.php?title=Page", e.g., [2].
> Yet, in the triple store, URIs are stored in the form "...index.php/Page", 
> e.g., [3], so that queries return empty results.
> The strange thing is, when I visit a page, do edit and save, then the proper 
> URIs [1] are stored.
> Purging SMW as described in [4] or via Special:SMWAdmin does not help and 
> might even be the reason for storing the wrong URIs in the first place.
> An Apache rewrite and usage of the $wgArticlePath setting of MW might be an 
> work around here, but the issue might still be a bug.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Benedikt,

this is strange, because URIs are crated from URLs. I also have the 
index.php standard setting on my wiki and I do get URIs of the form


At least this is what I see in the RDF export now. Do you have the same 
URIs in Special:ExportRDF? Do you have any setting for $wgArticlePath in 
your LocalSettings?



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