Dear SMW users & developers,

we enjoy an awesome internationalisation support from, 
which ceaselessly translates MW extensions (and more) into a huge number 
of languages.

To work smoothly, this also needs some help from the user/developer 
community, since translators are sometimes not sure about how a message 
is used (e.g. the word "view" could mean many things, and needs to be 
translated differently in each case). If there is a problem, "Open 
Requests" are created [1] (supported by SMW :-). Currently, there are 5 
open requests related to SMW, Validator, SRF, and Semantic Expressivity 
[2] which could use some looking into.

More generally, the community could always use the 
help of users who are familiar with the software and can clarify the 
intended meaning of a message. Various projects are lacking message 
documentation (language code "qqq"), e.g. SRF [3]. This is something 
where users who are familiar with the software could help by writing 
short documentations. This can be done directly on, 
without any developer access to the code.

If you would like to help out, please have a look at 
They have a lot of documentation on how everything works (it is usually 
quite easy). Part of the task is to chase the right people, so don't 
hesitate to email the developer if something is unclear. I am sure that 
some of you are already working with translatewiki anyway. Yet, the 
folks at translatewiki are often not sure whom to ask about certain 
issues -- if you think you could manage this a bit (i.e., become the 
main contact for translating S* extensions) then you are most welcome to 
let us know.





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