We are continuing to not meet the CMS bundle for fluids due to fluids being 
given prior to admission.  Our EMS services work off of state protocols and do 
not document discrete time fields of start, finish, type of fluid, and rate.  
We do have a place on our triage form that requires an entry of EMS volume of 
fluid: zero or amount. If the ED admit MD order states 30ml/kg to include EMA 
fluids, will this count as passing the measure?  Would like to know what other 
solutions are to meet this piece of the measure.  We are doing the right thing 
in our ED but keep missing the measure.

Jeanie Bollinger MSN,RN, ACCNS-AG, CCRN-K
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Acute Medicine
Mission Health
509 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801

Office: 828-213-7171
Cell: 828-400-1194

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