> 1. Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling..
> How can I test and verify that connection pooling is working?

  svn co http://assistance.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk assistance
  cd assistance
  spec spec/connection_pool_spec.rb

> 2. When and where should I open a connection to the db?

You should only open a single database instance for each actual
database you're using. Once you start accessing that database instance
from multiple threads, the connection pooling is done automatically
without any intervention on your part.

> What is the impact if I have several model files and each file begins
> with a database connection?

Though you can associate a model class with a specific table in any
open database, models are by default associated with the first
database that was opened. It's better that you open a database
instance only once upon initialization.

> Is it advisable for me to place this db connection in start.rb (for
> ramaze)?


> Is this connection to the db persistent, in the sense that it exists
> for as long as start.rb is running
> and that this single connection will handle all user requests (with
> connection pooling)?

yes. some adapters like postgresql or mysql also automatically renew
the connection if it is lost.

> If so, the connection would be left idle when no query is made to the
> db?

yes. you can also manually close all active connections by calling
Database#close. The connection will be automatically reestablished
once you start doing database work again.

> Or is this connection duplicated when another user accesses the web
> app?

that depends on how your web app is made. the connection pool
guarantees ownership of a connection for each thread that needs it, so
if you have multi-threaded web app that treats each incoming request
using a separate thread, each thread will use its own connection from
the connection pool. the connection pool has a maximum size defined
(which you can control), so if more requests are made than there are
connections avaliable, the requests will be blocked until a connection
becomes available.

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