I have a timestamp field in my model that I want to allow null on, I'm
not sure how to do this.  Right now I have it with :allow_null => true
in my set_schema declaration.  However, when I set that attribute to
nil and save the record, I get

Sequel::Error: nil/NULL is not allowed for the email_activated_at

Here is what it looks like in set_schema

    timestamp   :email_activated_at, :allow_null => true

How do I allow a null value?

This is what it looks like when I use reflection on that table.


{:type=>:datetime, :numeric_precision=>nil, :max_chars=>nil, 
:primary_key=>false, :default=>nil, :allow_null=>false, :db_type=>"timestamp"}]

I just assumed that I could add that option in the schema declaration,
but it looks like I can't.

BTW - I'm using sqlite right now for this.

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