On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 12:38:15 PM UTC-7, Jeremy Evans wrote:
> In a fairly unusual step for Sequel, I have pushed another public branch 
> to GitHub, named consvals.  From the commit message:
> The extension allows you to create database constraints that mirror
> model validations when creating and altering tables.  It adds
> validation to a separate table.  The plugin reads the metadata
> from that table, and uses it to automatically validate your models
> before saving.
> The advantage to doing so is that your validations are only specified
> in one place, but are enforced both at the model level and at the
> database level.  This is better for data integrity, since it
> enforces the validation for all rows in the database, so changes
> made by external programs or via the dataset layer are still
> covered.
> I've thought about doing this for a long time, but only recently figured 
> out a good way to implement this.  Usually, I would just merge something 
> like this into the master branch, but as the extension creates its own 
> table, it will be quite a pain to modify the schema for the table later.  
> To avoid potential problems in the future, I would like to get some 
> feedback about this branch before I merge it.  I plan on leaving this 
> branch publicly available for one week for feedback.  After I week, I'll 
> decide whether to merge it as-is, merge it with changes, or not merge it at 
> all, depending on the feedback received.  If you have any feelings about 
> this one way or the other, please make them known.

I haven't received much feedback on this, so I would still appreciate 
additional review/comments.


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