I am working on a module that interacts with components of an existing 
database with tables: `Brand`, `Model`, `Submodel` and came across an issue 
while defining an association. 

Generally speaking, my models look like this:

module COC
  class Brand < Sequel::Model
    one_to_many :models

  class Model < Sequel::Model
    many_to_one :brand
    one_to_many :submodels

  class Submodel < Sequel::Model
    many_to_one :model

I was hesitant to use the class name `Model`, but largely it has been 
working as expected. My issues came about when trying to create instances 
of `Submodel`, and it seems to be caused by the association setup: 
many_to_one :model

With that line, I am unable to create new instances of the model that are 
sensible, and I suspect it's tied to the usage of trying to associate 
`:model`. If it's commented out, the model works as expected.

Is there an alternate way to specify the `one_to_many` call that will allow 
me to target my `Model` class? Or must I rename the class?

Here's some code that led me to this:

[112] pry(main)> model.add_submodel attributes
NoMethodError: undefined method `setter_methods' for nil:NilClass
[113] pry(main)> wtf?
Exception: NoMethodError: undefined method `setter_methods' for nil:NilClass
0: /home/ttilberg/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/sequel-4.49.0/lib/sequel/model/
base.rb:2494:in `setter_methods'
3: /home/ttilberg/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/sequel-4.49.0/lib/sequel/model/
base.rb:2421:in `initialize_set'
6: /home/ttilberg/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/sequel-4.49.0/lib/sequel/model/
associations.rb:2480:in `make_add_associated_object'
`block in def_association_instance_methods'

[16] pry(main)> COC::Submodel.new params

NoMethodError: undefined method `setter_methods' for nil:NilClass

[22] pry(main)> submodel = COC::Submodel.new
[23] pry(main)> submodel.set params
NoMethodError: undefined method `setter_methods' for nil:NilClass
[24] pry(main)> wtf???
Exception: NoMethodError: undefined method `setter_methods' for nil:NilClass
 0: /home/ttilberg/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/sequel-4.49.0/lib/sequel/model/
base.rb:2494:in `setter_methods'

[31] pry(main)> submodel.url = 'tim'
NoMethodError: undefined method `db' for nil:NilClass

This object looks different than a normal new `Sequel::Model` -- it's 
missing @values.
[5] pry(main)> COC::Submodel.new
=> #<COC::Submodel:0x1fb02ec>

With the association line commented out, the class initializes with 
`@values` and works as usual.
[9] pry(main)> COC::Submodel.new
=> #<COC::Submodel @values={}>

I fear the answer to this question will simply be "Don't use the class name 
`Model`" -- I'd like to avoid this, as the word Model is the most 
meaningful in our context, and is largely established in the greater system.

Thank you for reading!

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