On Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 4:10:29 PM UTC-7, ro...@affinity.co wrote:
> Figured out pulling the gem but we're still running into issues 
> unfortunately. It's no longer a 'ThreadError: deadlock...', but seems to be 
> failing in the same place.
> PG::ConnectionBad: PQconsumeInput() server closed the connection 
> unexpectedly
> This probably means the server terminated abnormally
> before or while processing the request.
The previous deadlock issue was a bug in Sequel (triggered when removing a 
disconnected connection).  This looks like a standard disconnect error.  
Sequel's behavior on a disconnect is to remove the connection from the 
pool, and raise the error to the caller.  The connection_validator 
extension may not help this in a couple cases:

1) The time since last checkout was not greater than the connection 
validation timeout (you can set the timeout to -1 to validate on every 
2) The disconnect happened while the connection was checked out.

If 2), you can't do much, other than using the :retry_on option to the 
transaction and ensure the entire transaction block is idempotent if rolled 
back and retried.

With this particular issue, the database server (or some network device 
between the app server and database server) disconnected the connection, so 
there is nothing the client can do.  You'll need to figure out why the 
server is disconnecting the client.

This is unlikely to be an issue with Sequel itself.  If you believe 
otherwise, please submit a minimal self contained example showing the 
disconnection issue and I'll see if I can replicate and if so research why 
it may be happening.


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