On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 2:30 PM aryk....@gmail.com <aryk.gr...@gmail.com>

> I'm trying to do the example in the docs:
> https://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc/files/doc/advanced_associations_rdoc.html
> Artist.one_to_one :first_album, class: :Album, order: :release_date,
> eager_limit_strategy: :distinct_on Artist.where(id:
> [1,2]).eager(:first_album).all
> # SELECT DISTINCT ON (albums.artist_id) * # FROM albums # WHERE
> (albums.artist_id IN (1, 2)) # ORDER BY albums.artist_id, release_date
> When I try to run this exact same instance with:
> one_to_one :last_edit, class: "PostEdit", order: :created_at,
> eager_limit_strategy: :distinct_on
> I get:
> Post.where(:id=>[1,2]).eager(:last_edit)
> => #<Sequel::Postgres::Dataset: "SELECT \"posts\".* FROM \"posts\" WHERE
> (\"id\" IN (1, 2))">
> So it's leaving off the entire extra amount.
You aren't running the eager load, you are just seeing the results of
Dataset#inspect.  Add a Database logger and call #all on the dataset to see
all queries it executes for the eager load.

> Also, when I do Post.dataset.association_join(:last_edit), how do I have
> it use a window function with a limit 1 and sort it by created_at?
association_join doesn't support passing a :limit_strategy, you have to use
eager_graph_with_options for that.  There's not a simple way to add support
for options to association_join, since it takes a splat and any entry in
the splat can be a hash.

> I'm on Sequel 5.34.0 if that's helpful.
Upgrade, that's more than a year old. The current Sequel version it 5.49.0.


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