US Caught Faking it in Syria

Thomas Harrington 


... You see, the US strategic goal in Syria is not as your faithful mainstream 
media servants ... might have you believe of saving the Syrian people from the 
ravages of the long-standing Assad dictatorship. Rather, the goal was to 
heighten the level of internecine conflict in that country to the point where 
it will not be able to serve as a bulwark against Israeli regional hegemony for 
at least another generation. How do we know? Because important protagonists in 
the Israelo-American policy planning elite have advertised the fact with a 
surprising degree of clarity in documents and public statements issued over the 
last several decades ... The US-Israeli plan in Syria has never been about 
helping anyone in that country, but rather insuring its effective dismemberment 
so as to further the perceived "strategic interests" of the Jewish state.

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