Aloha to the US: Is Hawai'i an Occupied Nation?

T. K. Brown - BBC News Magazine 


An upcoming election has highlighted the deep disagreement between native 
Hawaiians over what the future should look like. For some, it's formal 
recognition of their community and a changed relationship within the US. Others 
want to leave the US entirely - or more accurately, want the US to leave 
Hawai'i ... Hawaii occupies a unique place in US history -- a set of islands 
2,500 miles away from the mainland where in 1893, white businessmen and 
sympathetic politicians, with help from the US military, overthrew a 
constitutional monarchy ... By the time of the overthrow in 1893, the Hawaiian 
population had gone from at least 400,000 to less than 40,000 people - all in 
the space of a century, in part because of diseases introduced into the 

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