The Real Tragedy of Terrorism in Paris: Western Governments Believe They Can 
Wage War Without Cost

Doug Bandow - Forbes


The atrocities committed in the latest Paris attacks rightly horrify us, but 
they should surprise no one, least of all the French ... By now every 
government should recognize what America learned on September 11, 2001. 
Wandering the globe bombing, invading, and occupying other states, intervening 
in other nations' political struggles, supporting repressive governments, and 
killing residents for good or ill inevitably create enemies and blowback ... 
Terrorism is evil and awful. But the best tactic against it is to stay out of 
other people's wars. That should be the principle lesson of Paris, like 9/11 
... Voters desperately need a candidate willing to put their interests before 
that of neoconservative ideologues and foreign monarchs. Until then Americans 
are doomed to fight more unnecessary wars and risk more unnecessary terrorist 

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