French PM warns EU may collapse in coming months

Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:17AM


French Prime Minister Manuel Valls at the French National Assembly in Paris on 
January 20, 2016. (AFP photo) 

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has warned that the European Union faced 
several dangers that could lead to the bloc’s fracturing in the coming months.

Speaking on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday, 
Valls said he attended the gathering to speak about "all the dangers" which the 
bloc is facing.

Those dangers "could lead to a fracturing of the European project, and not in a 
few years or decades, but in the next few months," he said. 

Valls mentioned the recent refugee inflow into the EU countries as one of the 
dangers that could cause the collapse of the bloc.

Europe has been facing an unprecedented inflow of refugees fleeing wars and 
violence in Africa and the Middle East, particularly Syria.

More than one million refugees entered Europe in 2015, according to the United 
Nations refugee agency, UNHCR.

Valls cited terrorism and a possible British exit from the bloc as other 
dangers threatening the EU.

He said a British exit from the bloc "would undoubtedly be a bad thing, a very 
bad thing." 

However, he added that a deal that could keep Britain in the EU should not come 
at any price, noting it is unlikely to be struck at a pivotal summit of the 
bloc's leaders in February.

"There needs to be a deal, but not at any price," said the French PM.

A referendum on British membership of EU will be held by the end of 2017.


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