
German Jews 'no longer safe' due to anti-Semitism and 'deteriorating security'

The Independent Eleanor Ross 21 hrs ago

© Provided by The Independent A woman wears a kippah, the traditional Jewish 
headdress, as she takes part in a demonstration in Berlin (Picture: 
[copyright]) Jewish people no longer feel safe living in Germany, it has been 

The leader of Hamberg’s Jewish community, Daniel Killy, told the Jerusalem 
Post: “We no longer feel safe here.”

He went on to explain how a combination of extreme right-wing forces, 
deteriorating security, and Germany welcoming of refugees brought up in 
cultures "steeped in hatred" for Jews were resulting in anti-Semitism. 

Hamburg has a 2,500-strong Jewish population, and there are around 118,000 in 
Germany overall. One million Muslim refugees arrived in Germany over the last 

Mr Killy referenced a report published on, authored by expert in 
extremist ideology Patrick Gensing.

In the report he said: “Anti-Semitic sentiments have diverse manifestations in 
Germany. [There are studies that point to] “historical defensive guilt [about 
the Holocaust], obsessive criticism of Israel, National Socialist racism, 
Muslim anti-Semitism [and] Christian anti-Semitism.”

An article published on included an interview with 22-year-old Jewish 
man, Elliot Reich, who took part in a pro-Israel demonstration in 2014.

Reich said he was surprised at the animosity against the marchers, claiming 
counter-protesters shouted things like: "’Hamas, Hamas! Jews into gas!’ Words 
like this have nothing to do with Israel - they are purely anti-Semitic.”

Mr Gensing also pointed to a reported attack on a synagogue near Dusseldorf.

Leonie Goldberg, head of Wuppertal’s Jewish Community, told Der Spiegel: “I 
thought the time of the packed suitcases was for always over. Now I am 
considering when we need to pack these suitcases again.”

The Jerusalem Post said 200 German Jews moved to Israel in 2015.

It pointed out that the figure is actually quite high considering the older age 
of Germany's Jews. 

Early in 2015 there was a backlash against Jewish council leader Dr Josef 
Schuster after he encouraged German Jews to look less Jewish when walking 
through predominantly Muslim neighbourhoods in Berlin. 

On New Year’s Eve 2014, Shakah Shapira, an Israeli man, suffered an apparently 
anti-Semitic attack by seven "Arabic-speaking" men in Berlin.

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