George Soros, Haim Saban Give $12 Million to Clinton Campaign

Press TV (Iran)


American billionaire George Soros donated $6 million to a super-PAC financing 
US Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton last month, a report 
says. Soros has now provided a total of $7 million in this election cycle to 
Priorities USA Action, a super-PAC which raised $41 million on behalf of 
Clinton in 2015, according to the committee's statement issued on Sunday. The 
super-PAC raised $25.3 million during the last six months, and Soros's 
contribution accounted for almost a quarter of its funding haul. Haim Saban, an 
Israeli-American media tycoon, and his wife Cheryl have contributed a total of 
$5 million to Clinton's super-PAC. Clinton has written a letter to Saban, 
pledging to speak out publicly against the boycott, divestment and sanctions 
(BDS) campaign aimed at Israel.

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