Want Endless War? Love the U.S. Empire? Clinton's Your Choice

Marjorie Cohn



Hillary Clinton likes to extol her foreign policy credentials, particularly her 
experience as Secretary of State. She attaches herself to Barack Obama's 
coattails, pledging to continue his policies. But she is even more hawkish than 
the President. Like Obama, Clinton touts American exceptionalism, the notion 
that the United States is better than any other country. In his State of the 
Union addresses, Obama has proclaimed America "exceptional" and said the U.S. 
must "lead the world." Clinton wrote in her book Hard Choices that "America 
remains the 'indispensable nation." It is this view that animates U.S. 
invasions, interventions, bombings and occupations of other countries ... There 
is little doubt that a President Hillary Clinton would continue our "perpetual 
war." She would do everything in her power to ensure the robust survival of the 
American empire.

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