Immigration is Causing Serious Social Breakdown

Leo McKinstry - Daily Express (Britain) 



A sense of accelerating chaos now hangs over the continent. As the influx 
across the eastern Mediterranean grows to more than 3,000 new arrivals every 
day, on top of all the other waves of mass immigration, the very fabric of 
European civilisation is disintegrating. The traditional bonds of solidarity 
and shared identity are collapsing. In their place there are fully justified 
fears about terrorism, extremism, alien customs and savage misogyny ... The 
EU's whole existence is predicated on the abolition of patriotism, frontiers, 
self-government and nationhood. In its drive to create a multicultural 
superstate it has left us defenceless against the migrant floodtide. Our only 
hope of escaping this meltdown is to vote for our exit.

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