
Serbia claims sanctions against Russia hurt its EU accession process

By Georgi Gotev | 2:30 (updated: 4:33)

EXCLUSIVE / Serbia believes that the EU sanctions against Russia unfairly 
impact candidate countries, and have an adverse effect on its own accession 
process, says a document obtained by

Serbia, a candidate country since 2012, claims that its companies are 
disadvantaged in comparison to EU firms when dealing with Russian entities 
targeted by the EU sanctions. Candidate countries are not legally obliged to 
align with the sanctions regime imposed on Russia as a response of the 
destabilisation of Ukraine. But, Montenegro and Albania, both candidates, have 
adopted the sanctions.

Serbia considers itself the candidate country most affected by the European 
Union’s sanctions against Russia, although Belgrade has refused to implement 

The 24-pages document is branded as a government paper, although its authors 
work for NIS, Serbia’s largest energy company, majority-owned by Russia’s 
Gazprom, and in which the Serbian government also has a stake.

According to the authors, Belgrade believes that the adverse effects of the EU 
financial restrictive measures regime on Serbia were not foreseen at the time 
of drafting of the sanctions rules, most likely because EU candidate countries 
were not sufficiently consulted or considered during the discussions and 
drafting of the text of the EU Regulation of 31 July 2014 

Since their imposition in August and September 2014, the EU sanctions impacted 
NIS jsc <> , and 2 Serbian banks, Sberbank Serbia 
<>  and VTB Serbia <> , which are 
in fact subsidiaries of Russian banks Sberbank and VTB (Vneshtorgbank), which 
are subject to sanctions.

The paper explains that the possibility of NIS securing credit and financing 
has been adversely affected by the sanctions.

“This indirect effect of EU sanctions causes irreparable damage to NIS and 
places it at an unfairly disadvantageous position in comparison to any of its 
competitors in the EU, including those who are controlled by listed entities. 
Indeed, subsidiaries of listed entities within the EU are not subject to such 
restrictions”, the paper says.

Another argument contends that destabilising the Serbian economy is contrary to 
the EU’s commitment of cooperation to achieve reform under the EU-Serbia 
Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

By not allowing companies based in Serbia to have the same treatment as the 
EU-based subsidiaries of the sanctioned entities, the EU unintentionally 
destabilises the Serbian economy and goes against this commitment of 
cooperation to achieve economic reform, as enshrined in the Stabilisation and 
Association Agreement, the paper says.

One more argument used is that Serbia will not be able to meet the obligations 
arising from the Energy Community 
<>  Treaty and the 
EU Accession Process.

“If Serbia’s largest energy company is unable to meet its EU obligations in 
good time, which would require a total investment of around €550 million, 
accession plans in the field of energy and environment might be derailed,” says 
the document.

Serbia proposes that any exemption that applies to the EU-registered subsidiary 
companies of the Russian entities listed in the sanctions legal texts should be 
extended to the subsidiary companies registered in candidate countries as well.

In the absence of such an agreement, the papers proposes as an alternative that 
the EU would allow certain specific authorisations to be granted by the member 
state competent authorities, in order to permit companies such as NIS to raise 
funding within the EU capital markets.

EurActiv asked the Commission to comment. The brief answer it gave is that 
decisions regarding restrictive measures (meaning sanctions) are taken by the 
member states by unanimity. This implies that candidate countries are not 
consulted in the process.


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