
A Serbian Election Erodes Democracy

The Editorial Board


Protesters in Belgrade, Serbia, on Wednesday against the outgoing Prime
Minister Aleksandar Vucic's election as the country's next president. Andrej
Isakovic/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images 

With Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic's decisive victory in the presidential
election on April 2, Serbia has edged closer to autocracy. Though the
presidency is largely ceremonial, Mr. Vucic can now handpick his successor
as prime minister and consolidate his power, since Parliament and the
judiciary are all but locked up by Mr. Vucic's Serbian Progressive Party.
Having severely curtailed press freedom and marginalized political
opposition, his concentration of power bodes ill for Serbian democracy.

Though Mr. Vucic won more than 50 percent of the vote, far surpassing the
second-place candidate, Sasa Jankovic, who won a little over 16 percent, the
election was marred by accusations of voter intimidation and a near total
domination of Serbia's media by Mr. Vucic and his party.

It speaks volumes about many Serbians' cynicism that Luka Maksimovic, a
25-year-old student who ran - initially as a joke - under the pseudonym of
Ljubisa "Beli" Preletacevic - a name that alludes to someone who switches
political parties for personal gain - won 9 percent of the vote. But
Serbians' political disaffection goes beyond cynicism.

Every day since the election, thousands of protesters, mostly young, have
turned out in the streets of Belgrade, blowing whistles and brandishing
banners with slogans such as "Down with dictatorship" and "Vucic, you stole
the election." Mr. Vucic boasts
lkans/>  that the fact that the government hasn't cracked down on the
protests "is a sign of democracy." Given the hideous repression of public
protest in many autocratic states, he has a point - or, perhaps he simply
doesn't view whistling students to be much of a threat now that the election
is over.

In any case, Mr. Vucic could show a commitment to democracy by restoring
freedom of the press, allowing access by the public to dissenting views and
independent sources of information, and ordering an independent
investigation of allegations of voter intimidation with a promise any
involved will be punished.

European leaders who see in strongmen such as Mr. Vucic a force for
stability - and who hope Mr. Vucic will make good on his promise to keep
Serbia on track to join the European Union even as Russia's influence in the
Balkans grows - must avoid the temptation to look the other way as Mr. Vucic
and his allies seize monopoly control over the country's political
institutions and its press.

To accede to such control by Mr. Vucic would be a betrayal of the European
Union's core values, and of the many Serbians who look to the European Union
as a beacon of democratic rights and freedoms at a time when Eastern and
Central European leaders are turning their backs on democracy.


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