Dear Sermon Posters,

This is a wonderful forum and I as well as many others benefit from it.  
However, due to forgetfulness or newer posters not realizing the original 
guidelines many posters have become somewhat lacsidastical about including 
pertinent sermon information.

Ergo, I humbly and lovingly request/remind/encourage all posters to please tell 
us at least three very important things about your sermon when posting it.
1. The biblical text/pericope that you are exegeting and preaching.
2. The date you will deliver (delivered) your sermon.
3. The liturgical occasion for your sermon.

That information is especially helpful for us who save the posted sermons in a 
resource folder as it enables us to catalogue them in a manner that is easy to 
recall for future reference.

Thanks much, and God bless us all with a continued Merry Christmas as we 
journey through the remainder of this Christmas/Epiphany season and a wonderful 
New Year/2009!

Sincerely in Immanuel's service,

Rev. Thomas Handrick, Sr.
Immanuel Lutheran Church & School
Perryville, MO

 'CAT 41 Sermons & Devotions' consists of works that are, unless otherwise
  noted, the copyrighted property of the various authors; posting of such
   gives members of this list implied consent for redistribution _with_
    _attribution_ unless otherwise specified by the author, as well as
              for quoting or use in a congregational setting

    Note: This list's default reply is to the *poster*, NOT the list.
    Do *not* reply to the list with your comments, but to the poster.

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    Rev. Fr. Eric J. Stefanski <>

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