/And you remain in the things you were taught and believed, knowing from whom you were taught, and because from infancy you have known the priestly scripture, the ones powerful to make you wise unto salvation through faith, the one in Christ Jesus. All scripture, God-breathes also (is) beneficial toward teaching, toward conviction, toward restoration, toward child-training, the one in righteousness, so that the person of God may be able-to-meet-all-expectations, unto all good works completed. I testify before God and Christ Jesus, the One about to judge living and dead, and His manifestation and His kingdom: You proclaim the word, you stand ready in good season, out of season, convicting, reproving, comforting, in all endurance and teaching. For a season will come to be when the healthy teaching they will not put up with, but according to their own desire-for-other-things, they will heap up for themselves teachers, ones tickling their ears. And on the one hand, from the truth the ears will be turned, and on the other hand upon the myths they will turn aside. Yet you, be sober in everything, suffer evil, do the work of a gospel-preacher, your service fulfill./

Today's readings are all about your struggle with God. "But Pastor, I don't struggle with God. I do struggle with the devil, with temptations, with the world; but I don't struggle with God!" While you indeed struggle with the unholy trinity of Satan, the world, and your sinful flesh, you also struggle with the Lord. No less than Jacob literally wrestled with God and received the new name of "struggler-with-God" or "Israel". No less than the widow in Jesus' parable struggled against a less-than-willing judge.

You struggle with God any time you don't trust what He reveals in His word. Maybe you think Jesus is too harsh about the sin of divorce. Or you don't like it when the bible says homosexuality is sinful. Or that sex is only allowed in a marriage. Or that women are not given by God to be pastors. Or that you should give more in the offering plate. Or that you don't get to do as much as you want to in church.

When you disagree with God, it He Who works repentance in your heart, turning you around from your error, and restoring you to a right relationship with Him again. This is done through His gift to you called baptism. All you sins were washed from you that day at the font, to Jesus on the + Who bore them in His Own body unto death for you. So now, you remember daily that you are a baptized child of God, so that by daily contrition & repentance, God drowns your old adam and raises you to new life!

You struggle with God whenever you aren't satisfied with His teaching, seeking others who teach differently. You listen to those who spread doubts that the bible is true or sufficient. You ignore biblical warnings against falsehood & evil, watching Ancient Aliens, Ghost Hunters and other myths as though they are good & true. You miss church and watch smiling TV preachers who never mention the +.

When you seek other teachers and different teachings in your unfaithfulness, your God remains faithful to you. He keeps working so that you will remain in the true teaching of His Word. His word is still taught correctly in bible classes, and His word is rightly preached here each Sunday. It proclaims you to be forgiven for the sake of Christ Jesus who died the death you deserved at Calvary so you now live the everlasting life that Jesus earned for you by His Own holy righteousness, in your stead.

Lastly, you struggle with God whenever you don't accept the work of the "man of God" He sends to you. It's fine if you don't find his jokes funny, or don't care for her looks or personality. But just as God once spoke His word to Balaam through the mouth of a donkey, He may use any assorted Christian to deliver His message to you. But just because you don't like His choice of messenger, don't diss the message. In Christian fellowship, all believers who are completed for God's service are useful to Him. Each Christian is a member of the body of Christ, precisely because we all are gathered around the Lord's Table to eat His body and drink His blood for the forgiveness of our sins. This spiritual food is what completes each believer in Christ, equipping all of us to serve each other. It especially equips your Pastor to fulfill His service as He stewards God's mysteries of Grace to you in word & sacrament.

So you indeed do struggle with God at times. You struggle with His teaching, with His workings, with His chosen servants. Yet for these sins, and indeed for all others, you have the comfort of forgiveness in Christ Jesus, your Savior. That same 2nd Person of the Trinity is coming soon to be your Judge, but one far superior to the one the widow pestered. For He is a just judge, Who will not delay in making His appearance on the last day. He will return soon to manifest His kingdom to you in full. Amen.

John C. Drosendahl, Pastor

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