Great Norman,

I just upgraded to the current trunk to benefit from :
- JAMES-983: common POP3/IMAP MailRepository.
- JAMES-984: activemq 5.3.1 hoping it will resolve some OutOfMemory exceptions I had (*)

I deployed and now (configured with enableVirtualHosting=true and JDBCDomainList), I've got the following: - When my mailbox contains at least one mail, No problem: I can read it without any problem. - When my mailbox is empty, my mail client simply waits and finally give me a timeout (closing my client and launching it again with mails in the inbox, everything is fine again).

Can anybody else reproduce it?
Is there additional specific configuration I have to apply ?

Tks a lot,


(*) Just for information, about the OutOfMemory I had with activemq 3.5.0:
- Testing different configurations from didn't help. - Stressing a local deployment with apache-sever-postage, server was holding the pressure during hours, however, memory was slightly but constantly growing.
- I have a heap dump to be analyzed (still todo)
- Reading 6 memory leak bugs resolved in activemq 3.5.1. (, I decided to try to migrate to activemq 5.3.1, and by chance, Norman checked it in two days ago. I still have to wait a few days to see if the OutOfMemory problem is resolved.

On 12/23/-28158 08:59 PM, Norman Maurer wrote:
Ok it seems like this works for everyone so far.. I will commit it
this weekend ..

Thanks again for all the feedback / questions.


2010/3/26 Stefano Bagnara<>:
2010/3/24 Norman Maurer<>:
Hi all,

I want to propose some really heavy change in current JAMES trunk, and
so next version. As all of you knows we are supporting IMAP in current
development version, which ships with its own mail store backend
called MailboxManager / Mailbox. For POP3 we use MailRepository as
I think this is a no go for a number of reasons, but the major one is
that we should be able to switch between IMAP and POP3 without the
need to migrate mails. So I rewrote the POP3Server to re-use the
MailboxManager / Mailbox stuff which is used by IMAP.
I think this is a good think. I also hope MailboxManager/Mailbox API
can be improved and simplified, but using a single API is the only way
to go. Once we use only one we'll better understand how to improve it.

So if a user login via POP3 he will just see the folder called INBOX
and nothing else. With IMAP he will see all folders. Thats exactly
what dovecot and courier does ( both heavy used unix imap/pop3
A good extension would be to have a "login pattern" to read custom folders..
e.g: I login as "username#FOLDER" with username password and this way
I get access to FOLDER instead of INBOX.
The same could be applied to the delete behaviour (something like the
"recent:" prefix hack in gmail).

Another advance is that we elimate one more dependency on storing
mails via javamail, which is not the way to go for the future ...
On the downside we will break backward-compatibility with every James
release we did before. So we will need to write a "migration" tool,
but this should not be to hard.
IMO at this point we should plainly ignore backward compatibility.
AFTER we'll have a working release we'll define a migration path (with
the help of users wanting to upgrade).

Because the change is so heavy, I dedicited to attach it to JIRA  for
review and not commit it directly.

You can find it here:

So what do you think ?


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