Hello all, Following a first email on the topic [1] I would like to call for a formal vote on Apache James Postage retirement.
[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/server-dev@james.apache.org/msg70576.html Rationnals: this project... - Have no website page (not deployed) - Have no README - Have no formal release, but a tag named "james-2_20120613" dating from 2012 which is quite old already... - Their exists some alternatives both for JMETER, and Gatling performance testing tools. - Lack of support for recent mail protocols like IMAP and JMAP - Hard to scale blocking architecture (from what I understood?) - No development activity since 2013. - 5 forks in total on github, none of them did extra developments. - Relies on 3.0-beta5-SNAPSHOT which is quite old but also unreleased. Proting postage to a released version would likely be already quite of a fight... - Affected by CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io)|| Given the maturity of the project, the presence of alternatives, and the absence of development, in the absence of mainteners, it could be wise to consider retiring it. |Voting rules: - This is a majority vote as stated in [2] for procedural issues. - The vote starts at Friday 23rd of July 2021, 4pm UTC+7 - The vote ends at Friday 30th of July 2021, 4pm UTC+7 [2] https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html Following this retirement, follow up steps are to be taken as described in [3] [3] https://www.mail-archive.com/server-dev@james.apache.org/msg70585.html | - 1. Get a formal vote on server-dev mailing list - 2. Place a RETIRED_PROJECT file marker in the git - 3. Add a note in the project README - 4. Retire the ISSUE trackers (Project names POSTAGE) - 5. Announce it on gene...@james.apache.org and announce@apache - 6. Add a notice to the Apache website, if present - 7. Remove releases from downloads.apache.org - 8. Add notices on the Apache release archives (example https://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/antidote/ <https://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/antidote/>) Best regards, Benoit Tellier || --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: server-dev-unsubscr...@james.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: server-dev-h...@james.apache.org