On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the --isolinux-cfg helps here, doesn't it? Using ks=hd:LABEL=foo:ks.cfg in
> one of the menu items should work like Chris and Jeremy mentioned...

Yes it definitely does, thanks! We need a tiny patch to add a 2nd ks
file - you'll see in the ticket I'd like to have one with
"interactive" in it, and one without.

>> Helping me figure out how to make a spin post-GPG-keys-change-drama - see
>> http://marc.info/?l=fedora-devel-list&m=122109127113298&w=2

> I think I answered this;
> http://marc.info/?l=fedora-devel-list&m=122114550831324&w=2

Indeed - thanks! Hadn't seen it when I posted :-)

> All you really really need to do is make sure you include the new
> fedora-release package for the new GPG keys to be on the installed system
> and avoid needing to go through the transition of keys.


> As far as the
> installation is occurred, you'll hit BZ #998 (the installer doesn't verify
> keys).

>From what I read there, that'll just log warnings in install.log right?

Good on Jeremy to reopen a <1000 bug. A while ago I managed to fix bug
#33 (or around there) in Moodle.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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