Jerry Vonau wrote:
> Martin Langhoff wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> wrote:
>>> the --isolinux-cfg helps here, doesn't it? Using ks=hd:LABEL=foo:ks.cfg in
>>> one of the menu items should work like Chris and Jeremy mentioned...
>> Yes it definitely does, thanks! We need a tiny patch to add a 2nd ks
>> file - you'll see in the ticket I'd like to have one with
>> "interactive" in it, and one without.
Cool, it works with method= also, just use method=hd:LABEL=foo:/path and 
you don't get prompted for dvd location.

> Shoot, I forgot about that trick.. That doesn't resolve the issue of not 
> having the usb ready before looking for the ks file. I re-rolled 
> anaconda to fix that, and not to copy stage2 to /tmp before mounting it.
The boot line ks=hd:LABEL=foo:/ks.cfg method=hd:LABEL=foo:/iso works for 
me, well here anyway, patched anaconda ;-).
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