Well, Robert, you get the prize.... It works (finally)!

Two changes required to RemoteDelivery mailet:

import org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.smtp.*;

Right after:
    transport = session.getTransport(outgoingMailServer);

((org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.smtp.SMTPTransport)transport).setLocalHost( "mail.jwmhosting.com");

or be more generic and get the value from props.

The setLocalHost needs to be right after the object is instantiated since the HELO is sent on one of the first calls to transport.

This fixes it (thank you so much for your help). But Geronimo is still not following the spec and honoring the property mail.smtp.localhost. It needs to be fixed in a subsequent release.

Basically everybody using James 3 needs to add this fix to the mailet, at least if running on a Windows server. Or verify through mail-tester.com that the HELO is correct. Going back to the orig problem, gmail was not delivering tons of my mail due to this.

Thanks again.

Now.... anybody offer any help on getting jDKIM working? I've got it implemented and the DNS is set up. But mail-tester is telling me the signature is invalid. On to the next problem.....


On 10/27/2014 2:00 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
The mailet only sees 'transport' which is cast to generic "javax.mail.Transport". The localhost methods and connection methods are all part of the geronimo impl. You'll need to cast the transport to the geronimo package for the class, then see if you can get the connection object from the transport. Might work. But non-trivial. I'll play around with that was well.


On 10/27/2014 1:41 PM, Robert Munn wrote:
Here is the base code. Note localHost is a property of the MailConnection class. Note also that there is a setLocalHost() method. I am going to try setting the localhost property from RemoteDelivery using setLocalHost( localHost ).

     public String getLocalHost() throws MessagingException {
         if (localHost == null) {

             try {
                 localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
             } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                 // fine, we're misconfigured - ignore

             if (localHost == null) {
                 localHost = props.getProperty(MAIL_LOCALHOST);

             if (localHost == null) {
                 localHost = props.getSessionProperty(MAIL_LOCALHOST);

             if (localHost == null) {
throw new MessagingException("Can't get local hostname. " + " Please correctly configure JDK/DNS or set mail.smtp.localhost");

         return localHost;

      * Explicitly set the local host information.
      * @param localHost
      *            The new localHost name.
     public void setLocalHost(String localHost) {
         this.localHost = localHost;

On Oct 27, 2014, at 11:28 AM, Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com> wrote:

mailet calls 'transport' which is an "SMTPTransport" instance. SMTPTransport calls SMTPConnection.getLocalHost() which is inherited from MailConnection.getLocalHost().

That method returns the InetAddress().getLocalHost().getHostName() first. According to the spec, that should only occur IF the property mail.smtp.localhost is not set. So i think the fix should be in that method.

The very first thing in the MailConnection.getLocalHost() method should be something like:
if ( props.getProperty( "mail.smtp.localhost" ) != null ) return( props.getProperty( "mail.smtp.localhost" ));
Then let it try all of the other options if and only if this property is NOT set.


On 10/27/2014 1:07 PM, Robert Munn wrote:
More info. SMPTConnection.java extends MailConnection.java which has a method with this signature:

public boolean protocolConnect(String host, int port, String username, String password) throws MessagingException

If you fail to pass ‘host’ as an argument to the method, the host defaults to ‘localhost’. A patch could be made there. A better patch would be to find the upstream code that is calling this method and patch it to send the correct hostname. I am hunting for that location, please let me know if you have any suggestions...

On Oct 27, 2014, at 10:25 AM, Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com> wrote:

Thanks for jumping in and investigating. This has gone from ugly to horrible.... I think I have found the culprit.

I first had to figure out who is providing the class for SMTPTransport. figured out that the package for SMTPTransport is: org.apache.geronimo.javamail.transport.smtp. So it is NOT a base JVM implementation.... It's apache, and I am about to withdraw my statement that 'surely the transport class couldn't be ignoring a property".....

Geronimo's SMTPTransport.java uses a class SMTPConnection which actually returns the localhost name. And... no surprise at this point, it totally ignores the mail.smtp.localhost property. The property doesn't even appear anywher in the class. First line in getLocalHost() pulls the InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() value.

So.... half the problem is done... we know the culprit. Now I guess (oh joy....) I get to download the whole geronimo package, set up a build process, fix the code, and replace the jar on my server. (yuck).

That is... unless someone already has a VERY quick way to patch and rebuild geronimo..... Looking for volunteers.... :-)

In the meantime, I will also try adding that JVM parameter to try to override the Win Server machine name.

Still open to other suggestions for quicker workaround.....



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