Funny, I've asked the very same question a few months ago.

Short and simple awnser: No, you can't!

A bit more: afaik James currently opens one port for SMTP, default on TCP/25 w/o any encryption. If you set SMTP port to TCP/465 w/ socketTLS enabled you'll only be able to enqueue mails from registered users/networks, but won't be able to receive any mails from other mail servers. Same goes for TCP/587 with startTLS. Why? Cause 465 and 587 are only for mail submission from mail clients. Inter-server-coms are only done by 25 - and only plain w/o encryption or w/ startTLS. Most MTAs probable could handle TCP/25 w/ socketTLS - but as this isn't standard no MTA will expect it and therefore mostly won't be able to correctly use it. Let alone all those MTA wich doesn'T support TLS at all.

Only option if you wan't to use encryption and be able to receive mails from other servers: TCP/25 with startTLS.

Or: as James is opensource - you could develop a module wich opens multiple ports for specific tasks.


Am 06.09.2017 um 20:54 schrieb Mike Lepore:
Is there a way to configure James smtserver to support port 25 for non-SSL and port 465 for socketTLS at the same time?  There doesn't seem to be a way to configure the smtpserver for multiple ports, one non-SSL and the other socketTLS in the smtpserver.xml. Can you have more than one <bind> tag?

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