Yes, JAMES does support this.  You need to add one <smtpserver> section 
for each port you want to bind to.  For example, in smtpserver.xml:

<smtpserver enabled="true">
     <tls socketTLS="false" startTLS="true">

<smtpserver enabled="true">
     <tls socketTLS="true" startTLS="false">


On 9/6/2017 2:54 PM, Mike Lepore wrote:
> Is there a way to configure James smtserver to support port 25 for 
> non-SSL and port 465 for socketTLS at the same time? There doesn't 
> seem to be a way to configure the smtpserver for multiple ports, one 
> non-SSL and the other socketTLS in the smtpserver.xml. Can you have 
> more than one <bind> tag?

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